Friday, 23 September 2016



Thursday, 22 September 2016

if have problem with this sickness or disease

(10) Tuberculosis
(15)Hight blood pressure 


Friday, 26 August 2016

19 Health Benefits of Scent Leaf (No.9 For Smoke Man

Scent leaves has a distinctive smell and taste, sometimes unpleasant, fragrant or sweet, depending on the way of cultivation. Some of them even can make people who smell it become drunk. From the test results of pharmacological found that Scent has antibacterial activity against Saphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli. It is also have antifungal activity against Penicillium notatum, Candida albicans, Microsporeum gyseum. And the last, larvicides activity against houseflies and mosquitoes, and other insects.
The Scent leaves has fragrant smelling and this is a medicinal plant. The shape is branched at the top, with a height of about 50 -80 cm. compared to other similar Scent or even a single species, only Scent has a pale green color (there are also purple). Often we find them growing wild by the roadside. There were also planted in the yard and in the garden.
There are various other diseases that could be faced Scent. In Chinese pharmacology stated that throughout this herb can stimulate absorption (absorption), laxative sweat (diaporetik), urine (diuretic), pain relief (analgesic), blood circulation and cleanse toxins.
The portions of the Scent can be used as a treatment that is the whole herbs (leaves, stalks, stems, flowers), seeds and essential oils. Scent seeds, in addition to deliciously made drinks are healthy.
Health Benefits Of Scent Leaf
  1. Cough and phlegm laxative
obtained by squeezing the leaves to remove fluid (or an extract of leaves of Scent). Then take the extract and brew it with hot water. after that drinks at your child or yourself. With drinking extracts Scent leaves water regularly, then your cough will subside gradually.
  1. Fever malaria
Scent leaves contain an effective antipyretic substance to reduce fever and cure malaria. To get this benefit, you can brew Scent leaves as tea if youre a tea drinkers. Drink it while still warm.
  1. Indigestion
Drink brewing scent leaves as tea able to treat digestive problems such as diarrhea, mules, such as in the stomach and others. The content of the essence in the Scent leaves have a calming effect and cools the stomach.
  1. Lowering blood sugar
scent leafThese plants are also able to prevent cancer and reduce cholesterol. In diabetes mellitus, especially non-insulin dependent (NID diabetes), Scent may lower blood sugar levels and protect the pancreas cells that produce insulin from damage.
Randomized study in 1996 showed a decrease in blood sugar levels after eating are significant an at the NID-DM patients. According to research conducted on mice, the content of ethanol in mint efficacious lowering blood sugar levels. Another finding  was awesome, that Scent able to protect body tissue from damage caused by radiation.
  1. Relieve heartburn
Scent leaves tea is useful for curing heartburn, coughing, feeling unwell, menstrual pain, fever, malaria, respiratory problems, constipation, appetite enhancer, nausea, postpartum treatments, cleansers and boosters heart.
  1. Killing bacteria (antiseptic)
The content that contained in the leaves of Scent effective for killing germs.
  1. Facilitate milk
If you have any problems with the smooth milk, eat Scent leaves to stimulate milk production. Take twenty
  1. Getting rid of flies and mosquitoes
Contained in the fragrant aroma Scent leaves did not like by mosquitoes or flies. So if you want to repel mosquitoes or flies, keep the Scent leaves in a pot in the house.
  1. Reduce nicotine
Benefits of Scent leaves the latter is to help eliminate and repair the damage caused by smoking. Smokers must consume Scent leaves. Other Scent benefits can also reduce stress, prevent diabetes and kidney stone disease. Wind laxative (carminativa) contains mint like Scent.
  1. Improve the boil
Health Benefits of Scent leaves could imprve the boil. To ripen boils, you can take advantage of Scent leaves. Use Scent leaves to taste, squeeze together with the oil then put on to a boil.
  1. Gastroenteritis
As anti-inflammatory Scent has the same effectiveness as aspirin and ibuprofen.  It is profitable. Scent is also not irritate the stomach. That’s because in this herb, there are more elements to prevent injury in the body.
  1. Healthy for the heart
Especially for adults, Scent leaves helps to prevent disease and heart problems. Every 100 grams of fresh Scent leaves have 33 grams of protein. In addition to protein, Scent also contains magnesium which helps reduce bad cholesterol and increase blood circulation. The benefits of Scent to help stabilize blood is blood circulation.
  1. Maintain the health of the eyes and mouth
Scent is very rich in vitamin A. As we know vitamin A can cope with various types of eye infections, conjunctivitis, eye soothing stress and also for the prevention of night blindness and other vision problems. In addition Scent leaves also be used to eliminate bad breath.
  1. Anti-Inflammatory
Scent plant has anti-inflammatory properties in it. These herbs help to treat arthritis. Scent also contains calcium that can help increase bone density and prevent diseases of the bone such as osteoporosis.
  1. Cosmetic Fragrances
Crushed Scent leaves of fragrant essential oils that can be used as a fragrance cosmetic and horticultural crops decoy fruit flies. Scent essential oil containing methyl eugenol, eugenol, cineol, linalol and terpineol.
  1. Fertility problems
Scent leaves was not only useful as part of the fresh vegetables that delicious eaten with chilli sauce and chicken or fried fish, but Scent also has benefits for male and female sexual organs. The compounds in Scent can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation in men. The content epigenin fenkhona and eugenol in Scent can facilitate erection. Additionally, arginine substances contained in the Scent can strengthen sperm vitality and prevent infertility.
  1. High in Vitamin A, calcium and phosphorus
Scent including vegetables that rich in provitamin A. Each 100 grams of Scent leaves contained vitamin A. SI 5000 plus, Scent including as vegetables that contain lots of minerals calcium and phosphorus as many as 45 and 75 mg per 100 grams of Scent leaves.
  1. Women’s reproductive health
So also in women, Scent leaves is rich in anetol and boron compounds, capable of inducing the hormone estrogen. It’s Eugenol compound is also able to kill the fungus that causes vaginal discharge. In addition stigmaasterol substances in the Scent may stimulate the egg maturation. Tannin and zinc reduce the secretion of vaginal fluid, there is also a substance called tryptophan that can delay menopause
  1. Antifungal
there is two reason why scent leaves can be anti-fungal: The gotten extracts from leaves of scent contain anti-fungal properties because the scent of essential oils present in leaves contains anti-fungal, and it is contain antiseptics beside contains antibacterial properties, too.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016


Diabetes is one of the commonest diseases in our society today. It used to be regarded as a disease of the rich and affluent. But now, it affects even the poor.
But what is Diabetes? It is a metabolic disorder caused either by a deficiency of the digestive hormone called Insulin or the inability of body cells to use available insulin. In talking about diabetes, there is one organ in the body, which requires attention. The organ is the Pancreas.
What is Pancreas?
The pancreas is an organ that excretes hormone insulin and pancreatic fluid, which contains enzymes involved in the digestion of fats and proteins in the small intestine. The pancreas, which is shaped like a human tongue, lies below and behind the stomach and in – between the two kidneys. It weights about 100gms, and is made of small units called lobules. Each lobule consists of two groups of cells, the exocrine and the endocrine. The endocrine group of cells is called an “Islet of Langerhans”. The beta cells of the islets produce insulin while the alpha cells of the islets produce glycogen, a hormone which does the reverse of what insulin does, that is, causes a breakdown of glycogen into glucose, thus raising up the sugar level and preventing it from falling too low.
Kinds of Diabetes
The terms “Diabetes” as used in this work refers to “diabetes Mellitus”. There is another kind of diabetes called “Diabetes insipidus” a condition of polyuria and polydipsia due to a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). This kind of diabetes is less common among us and so will not be considered. It deserves a separate treatment.
When therefore we speak of kinds of diabetes, we refer to the two kinds of diabetes mellitus, which are:
(A) Juvenile Diabetes, also called Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), is common in children and young adults. This condition is characterized by a deficiency of Insulin in the body. Thanks to modern medicine, this insulin can be artificially injected into the body.
(B) Maturity Onset Diabetes; also referred to as non – insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is common in middle - aged people. In this condition there is insulin in the body but the body cannot make use of the available insulin.
Causes of Diabetes
1. Heredity: It is believed that heredity plays a part in the spread of diabetes. However, there is no explanation of how exactly this happens. While it is true to say that diabetes tends to run in families, it does not imply that everyone born into such families will develop the disease. Nor does it imply that those who do not belong to such families will never get the illness. It is good to note that in families where diabetes tends to run, the members will have a tendency to the illness. But they may not develop the disease if proper precaution is taken. Some scholars have maintained that what is inherited is not the disease, but lack of the chromosome that will resist the illness.
2. Wrong Medication: Self – medication has become the order of the day. Hospital bills are hardly affordable. People would rather go to chemists and get whatever drugs they want, than to go to the doctor. The wrong use of drugs, as well as long term use of some drugs, can damage the pancreas chemical drugs are dangerous and so should be taken with care. One should avid them if it is possible. Of what use is chloraphenicol it cures your typhoid but destroy your sight or hearing? Those who constantly take drugs such as asthma drugs, arthritis drugs, and contraceptive pills are in danger of damaging their pancreas.
3. Life Style: It has been said over and over again that wrong lifestyle is one of the major causes of diseases in general. But how many people are ready to listen? Even as food can nourish life, so can it also destroy life. When a mother feeds her baby with plenty of coca – cola drinks, sugar, ice – creams, biscuits, chocolate and other refined foods, she thinks she is “civilized” and making her child “civilized”, not knowing that she is destroying the life of her baby. When a man drinks beer and drinks expensive wines, eats plenty of red meat, drinks coffee with plenty of sugar, he says to himself. “I am enjoying life” not knowing he is eating himself to death.
It is therefore important to learn the art of proper food combination if we want to stay healthy.
4. Overweight: It is said that 57 – 5 percent of diabetics are overweight. High intake of
protein and heavy calory food will lead to overweight. Overweight occurs when there is no balance between the intake of food and the digestion and utility of this food. As a result, extra calories the liver, kidney and pancreas have to do extra work. This overwork eventually leads to a breakdown of these vital organs.
If you do not have the illness called diabetes then be happy. And be sure you do all you can to prevent it for prevention is better than cure. The symptoms of diabetes are many and varied. At the earliest stage, diabetes does not slow any symptom. In many cases, the disease is diagnosed accidentally when undergoing check – up for other complaints. The following are only some of the symptoms of diabetes.
1. Polydipsia: Because of the quantity of fluids lost through urine, the body experiences dryness of mouth and excessive thirst. The patient has an intense craving for water and yet is never satisfied.
2. Polyurea: This means excessive urination. This constant urination is the commonest sign of diabetes. Because of the high level of sugar present in the urea. It taste very sugary.
If you find yourself urinating very frequently, check if your urine is sugary. Do this by tasting the urea. If it is sugary then watch out. This may not be enough proof that you have diabetes, but it may be an indication.
3. Polyphagia: this refers to the excessive hunger often experienced by diabetes. This
abnormal hunger is only a reaction of the body to a lack of glucose, thus starving the
body cells. The patient is tempted to eat more and more, And yet the more food the
glucose level rises. And the more body weight increases.
4. Weakness and Tiredness: It is not the fats that are used. The body also feeds on the
proteins in the body, leading to general weakness and tiredness.
5. Itching: Persistent itching all over the body, especially in the genital parts is a
symptoms of diabetes. This is true especially of women. If a woman persistently
experience s itching in her vagina a medical check – up is advisable.
6. Loss of Weight: Because the cells are starved of glucose the body begins to make use
of stored fats so as to nourish the cells. When this continues for a prolonged period of time the patient begins to lose weight.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Health Benefits of Bitter-leaf

Everybody seem to know it. It grows everywhere. Bitter-leaf. vernonia amydalia is a very homely plant. wherever it grows, it flourishes. Evergreen. The Yorubas call it Ewuro. The Igbo call it Onugbu. The Hausas call it Shiwaka. Perhaps the most distinctive part of the bitter-leaf plant is its bitterness. Every part of the plant is bitter! the leaves,stems,root and bark.

The fact is that bitter herbs are good for the body. They remind us that life is not always sweet, that life is not a bed of roses that both sweetness and bitterness are essential parts of life and so are not opposed. Bitter herbs help to tone the vital organs of the body, especially the liver and kidney. The liver is the largest organ of the body. It weights is between 1-3kg in the adult. Its major functions are (a) secretion of bile (b) formation of glycogen. The liver is essential in the metabolism of fats and protein, it must therefore be well taken care of once the liver has any defect, it is hard to correct.

The kidney is another important organ in the body. The kidney is the organ that helps to expel waste materials from the body. It secretes urine that flows into the urethra's. If the kidney breaks down there will be a general disorder in the body. Bitter-leaf is very useful in the care of the kidney and the liver. It is for this reason that we refer to bitter- leaf as cure-all for if the kidney and liver are healthy, the whole system will function well.

Bitter-leaf can also be used for Diabetes
Diabetics should listen carefully to this good news. They do not need to despair or lose hope. God has not abandoned them. God has given them bitter-leaf as a sign of God's love and care. From time immemorial herbalists have been using the bitter-leaf plant for the treatment of diabetes. Bitter-leaf not only reduces the sugar-level drastically, it also helps to repair the pancreas. Squeeze ten handfuls of the fresh leaves in ten liters of water and take two glasses thrice

12 Healing Power Of Bitter Leaf

1. Bitter leaf also cleans the lymphatic system as well.

2. For smokers or those that are been exposed to secondary smoke, bitter leaf is useful by protecting the body against pollutants that come from cigarette smoke and some dangerous gas.

4. The juice prevents malaria sickness due to the presence of Natural Quinine. Regular intake of this bitter leaf juice will prevent malaria sickness

5. It also yield the healing power of Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD). The drinking of the bitter leaf juice daily and also squeeze the leaves and paste it on the patches and warts that appear on the skin will vanish in course of days.

6. It is useful for treating of ringworm, eczema and other diseases, just squeeze and paste it regularly, drink the fresh bitter leaf juice, this will clear them off in no time.

7. It is useful in curing loss of memory. It could be a symptom of diabetes or a sickness on its own. Whatever the nature, bitter leaf is very good for treating this ailment.

8. If you often feel weak and tired or you lack vitality and vigour, squeeze the
9. In treating pneumonia, squeeze the fresh leafs of the plant in water. Take a glass full thrice daily. Warm the solution on fire each time before you drink.

10. Insomnia is an inability to sleep well,

11. It prevent Arthritis or rheumatism in patients. It soothes swollen joints and eradicates the pain.

12. Chew the tender stem and swallowing the juices is a well-known remedy for stomac

Health Benefits Of Bitter-Leaf

THIS kind of leaf is very familiar to some people but others may not have any idea about this wonder leaf. Bitter-leaf can grow anywhere unlike other leaves that only grow in certain places and temperature. These leaves flourishes anywhere they grow. They add beauty to all places where they are present. The most distinctive characteristic of this plant is its bitterness. Every part of this plant is bitter starting from the leaves to its roots. The bitterness of this plant is actually good for the body. It has a lot of health benefits to people. The plant can remind people that life is not always sweet; it takes to taste bitterness before you can achieve sweetness. This plant is very useful in toning the vital organs of the body especially the liver and the kidney.
The liver is one of the most important organs of the body. It has a lot of vital functions that is needed for normal functioning of the whole system of the body. Without the liver all major process in the body will be paralyze. The liver is known as the largest organ inside the body. It has an approximate weight of 1-3 kg in an average adult individual. There are a lot of major functions that the liver should do every day and this includes the production of bile acid that helps in fat metabolism.
Without the liver fats will not be digested inside the body to be use as energy. Bitter-leaf can be very helpful in maintaining the livers optimum health to release bile acid every time people eat fatty foods. Another major function of the liver is the production of glycogen. Glycogen is stored energy that is release in times of low level of glucose especially for people who do fasting.
The liver should be well taken care of by using bitter-leaf. Once the liver is been damage it can’t be restored into its normal function. People with liver problems can boil a bitter-leaf and drink a glass of it every day.
Another very vital organ inside the body is the kidney. Kidney helps in the excretion of waste products inside the body. If the normal function of the kidney breakdown there will great huge problem inside the body. Bitter-leaf a natural herb that is useful in taking care of the kidney and the liver.
Diabetic patient can also use bitter-leaf as one of their medication to prevent high sugar level in the blood. It will not only lower the sugar level in the blood but also repair impaired pancreas. As you all know pancreas is the organ responsible for the production of insulin for glucose to reach each cell to use by the body as energy. Impaired pancreas does not release the right amount of insulin to maintain the right sugar level in the blood. Bitter-leaf is a real wonder of nature. You can take the benefit of this amazing plant by squeezing its leaves in ten litters of water.
BITTER leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) is a vegetable used for preparing the popular Bitter leaf soup. It is also known as Onugbu, Shiwaka & Ewuro by the Igbos, Hausas&Yorubas in Nigeria.
Although this plant has been around for hundreds of years, only a few people know of its medicinal and healing properties.
Bitter leaf as the name implies, is actually a bitter plant whose leaves, extracts, stems and barks are used for culinary,medicinal and curative purposes.
Vitamins in Bitter leaf includes;Vitamin A, Vitamin C ,Vitamin E, Vit.B1 and Vit.B2.
Bitter leaf and Spinach Juice
Well, To get the best results from the bitter leaf plant, it’s best taken freshly squeezed from the leaves.
How to extract the Bitter leaf juice
This can be done, the old school way of rubbing the clean leaves in between your palms with the help of a little water and squeezing out the juice from the leaves.
You can also use a juicer or blend the leaves with a little water, in a blender and strain out the extract with a cheese cloth, coffee strainer or a sieve with a tight mesh.
Bitter leaf juice on its own, is quite bitter and this taste might be unbearable for a lot of people.
So to reduce the bitterness of the  bitter leaf juice, simply blend it with spinach or Ugwu (fluted pumpkin). If you still find it extremely bitter, then add some sweet fruits to it, such as pineapple , apples, or oranges.
Dry bitter leaf is also potent, but has to be properly cleaned before use.
Some of the health benefits of  Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina);
* It speeds up metabolism and therefore is great for weight loss.
* Bitter leaf juice relieves fever and feverish conditions. Take the squeezed juice, 3 times daily until the symptoms disappears.
* It also helps to reduce high sugar level in the blood, and great for diabetic patients.
* Squeeze the fresh leaves on your palm and apply the juice on skin rashes,eczema, ring worms and any superficial skin ailments, you’ll notice a change in few days. Don’t apply to open wounds.
* Bitter leaf is said to soothe and also cure pile .
* Taking a cup of bitter leaf juice a day, is a great way to detoxify the body of harmful toxins.
* Bitter leaf juice nourishes the skin.
* Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) also cures mild stomach ailments
* Bitter leaf juice is said to increase breast milk production in nursing mothers.
The washed roots and stalks of bitterleaf  are boiled and the infusion is taking as a worm expeller. A cup of bitter leaf infusion taking first thing in the morning before meals
* Bitter leaf juice is used by local women in Guinea-Bissau to contract the uterus after childbirth and therefore should not be taking during pregnancy  or if you’re trying to conceive,because high intake might cause miscarriage.
* A cup of bitter leaf juice a day, energizes you…o yes it does.
STUDIES conducted at the University of Texas have concluded that incorporating bitter leaf into your routine diet could reduce risk factors for such health conditions as breast cancer and type II diabetes. It is normal for African cuisine to contain bitter leaf as an ingredient. Even though it is called bitter, the taste is actually described as having a mild flavor. Bitter leaf carries several health benefits for many people around the globe who consume it regularly.
Even though many people are very familiar with bitter leaf, this type of food ingredient may be completely new to others. This food will grow anywhere, unlike other leaves that require specific temperatures and locations in order to maintain growth. Therefore, these leaves are able to flourish in any location.
The top five benefits
Battles against breast cancer
According to, over 10 percent of all American females will develop breast cancer. In order to lower chances of developing breast cancer, maintaining a healthy weight, remaining physically active and maintaining a healthy diet are a few things that you can do. Adding bitter leaf in addition to that routine may also lessen the risk of breast cancer, according to the February 2004 edition of Experimental Biology and Medicine.
Lowers cholesterol
Using a bitter leaf extract supplement on animals during a study decreased bad (LDL) cholesterol by nearly half, while simultaneously raising good (HDL) cholesterol levels. There are no studies, however, providing a definitive determination of how bitter leaf will effect a human body’s cholesterol levels.
Lymphatic cleanse
If you are a smoker or someone who is breathing second hand smoke, using bitter leaf is helpful for acting as a shield against the pollutants that pour from cigarettes while burning. Through the consumption of bitter leaf juice, smokers and those breathing second hand smoke can help protect themselves against the health dangers associated with the habit.
Contains essential fatty acids
It is important for a person’s diet to contain linolenic and linoleic acid, because the body is unable to make them. Bitter leaf is able make these fats. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, when people consumed large quantities of linolenic and linoleic acid, they were at the lowest risk for cardiovascular disease when compared to those who did not.
High in antioxidants
Oxidation is constantly assaulting your system’s cells. If this is left unchecked, precancerous cell formation could possibly arise. According to research conducted by and published in Food Chemistry, there are antioxidant properties found in bitter leaf that, when added to a person’s diet, offer excellent disease-fighting properties.
While use of bitter leaf is not considered a cure-all, it does have proven benefits. The research studies listed above have proven that the benefits of adding bitter leaf to your diet on a routine basis outweigh any doubts that may exist.
The plant precisely in Nigeria is very a common vegetable that is abundantly grown almost everywhere in the country. it is popularly known as Ewuro amongst the Yoruba,  Onugbu by the Igbo and called Shiwaka by the Hausa.
Botanically called Vernonia Amygdalina, this shrub has been used by traditional locals to treat different ailment, diseases, due to the medicinal value and healing potencies present in this vegetable.
However the vegetable can be prepared by jucing it with your blender, juicer, or you can do it the local way by adding little water to the leaves rubbing it on your palm and squeezing the juice out of it. another way of preparing it is by cooking it as a soup ( Bitter Leaf soup a popular delicacy amongst the Southeast people of Nigeria). But it works effectively when its jucied.
In the wild, chimpanzees have been observed to ingest the leaves when suffering from parasitic infections. Many herbalists and naturopathic doctors recommend aqueous extracts for their patients as treatment for Emesis, nausea, diabetes, loss of appetite-induced abasia , dysentery and other gastro intestinal tract problems. Until the last decade or so, there were only anecdotal reports and claims to support the health benefits. The anecdotal reports are now being supported by scientific evidence that V.amygdalina regimen or consumption as dietary supplements may provide multiple health benefits.
An estimated 815 million people in developing countries suffer from malnutrition, and infants and children are the worst hit (FAO, 2004). Unfortunately, efforts at improving food production and accessibility in these regions have been directed lope-sidedly to roots/tubers, cereals, and animal production. The largely ignored dark green leafy vegetables can however augment the nutrients derivable from other sources, thereby reducing malnutrition tremendously. Oshodi (1992) said Leaves are easy to prepare, and contain appreciable quantities of nutrients. (Ejoh et al., 2007) reported that V. amygdalina contain significant quantities of lipids, carbohydrates, fiber and proteins with high essential amino acid score that compare favourably with values reported for Telfairia occidentalis and Talinum triangulare. The plant has also been shown to contain appreciable quantities of ascorbic acid and caroteinoids (Udensi et al.,2002). Calcium, Iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and cobalt have also been found in significant quantities in V.amygdalina (Eleyinmi et al.,2008).
Nutrient composition of  Bitter leaf which have been reported by several researchers include proteins, fibre, carbohyrate, Ascorbic acid, carotenoid, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, sodium, manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium and selenium. Active principles also reported include stigmastane-type saponins (Vernoniosides), steroidal saponins, sesquiterpene lactones (Vernolide, vernodalol, vernolepin, vernodalin, vernomygdin, hydroxyvernolide), flavonoids (luteolin), terpenese, coumarins, phenolic acids, lignans, xanthones, anthraquinones and peptides (Edoties).

28 Proven Health Benefits Of Bitter Leaf (No. 1 & 2 Very Surprising)

28 Proven Health Benefits Of Bitter Leaf (No. 1 & 2 Very Surprising)

bitter leafBitter Leaf has Latin name as Andrographis Paniculate Ness. It is efficacious as a medicine. This plant is thought to have come from tropical Asia. In many areas, Sambiloto known Andiloto (Java), Jambiroto/Pepaitan (Madura), Chuan Xin Lin (China), Ki Oray (Sunda), and many others. During this time of bitter leaf known as bitterness. But apparently behind the bitter taste possessed turned out to contain a variety of many benefits for our health.
Bitter leaf included in Acanthaceae family. This plant grows wild in open places such as roadsides, in fields, on vacant land rather damp soil or planted in the garden as a medicinal plant. This plant is easy to do reproduction and can plant in lowlands to 700 m above the sea level.
Nutrition of Bitter Leaf
Lactone and bitter leaf contain flavonoids. Lactone obtained from leaves and branches, respectively contain deoxy andrographolide, 14-deoxy-n, 12-didehydroandrographolide, andrographolide, and homoandrographolide. There are also ketones, alkane, aldehydes, potassium, sodium, calcium, acid grit, and resin. Flavonoids itself applying lots of roots, namely polimetoksiflavon, andrgrafin, pan ikulin, mono-0-metilwithin, 4-dimetiler, and apigenin-7. With its rich nutritions Bitter leaf is one most powerful same with benefits of turmeric, here are the powerful Benefits of Bitter Leaf :

1. Reduce The Fever

The bitter leaf contains an antiseptic that is very effective to reduce the heat inside. The content of andrographolide lactones, glucosides, diterpene,and flavonoids serve to reduce Fever. You must:

2. Prevent Cancer

3. Lowers Hypertension

Bitter compounds have complete among other substances andrographolide a bitter taste, alkaloid, and potassium. Andrographolide content of which can improve the body’s defense systems such as the production of white blood cells that attack bacteria and other foreign substances. High potassium in Bitter leaf useful to remove water and salt to treat hypertension.
Potassium compounds provide efficacy to lower blood pressure. Results of experiments on the water decoction of bitter leaf 10% at a dose of 0.3 ml / kg body weight can lower blood sugar levels that are comparable to the provision of glibenclamide suspension.
To reduce hypertension, we can use all of the parts or just the roots. To use it required:

4. Effective For Typhus Disease

Bitter is also believed to be used as a medicine for typhus. Typhus is a disease caused by bacterial infection of the intestine and lymph nodes, and spleen. The incubation period of 5-14 days reach.
How to take medicine:

5. Overcoming Itching

To treat itching:

6. Treating Malaria

Malaria is a disease caused by the parasite plasmodium. To cure malaria,

7. Increase Endurance

Bitter substances have the typical form of andrographolide. Besides andrographolide, also has panni colin substances. Based on two elements, the bitter leaf is named andrographis paniculate.
Andrographolide and panni colin it is specific. Its main function is actually increasing endurance. So in the US, bitter patented as a medicine for AIDS.
Generally to increase endurance, we can drink two cups a day of bitter herbs. How to make:

8. Treating Appendicitis

The bitter leaf can be used to treat appendicitis. The ingredients should be prepared to treat appendicitis is:

9. Treating Diabetes

Andrographolide is the main active ingredient in bitter that serves to reduce levels of glucose in the blood. According to research, Munawara colleagues from Faculty of Pharmacy in 2004 that bitter leaf decoction can lower blood glucose levels in male rats.
Here’s how to mix the bitter leaf and make Bitter leaf as a diabetes drug,

10. Overcoming Gallstones

Gallbladder (Vesica fellea) is one organ that is small and shaped muscular pouch where emersion a bile, attached below the surface of the liver. The gall bladder at night will be filled with bile, and will be issued in the morning. The gall bladder can be impaired, among which the formation of stones in the gall bladder and the presence of inflammation.
Ways of making obtain herbal remedy for gallstones from the bitter leaf:

11. Treating Diarrhea

In addition, it can be used to treat dysentery, the benefits of bitter leaf for another digestive is to manage diarrhea that we suffer, do the same by making a herbal concoction to overcome bacillary dysentery:

12. Treating Bacillary Dysentery

Bacillary dysentery disease is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract with the stools is known to contain blood with / without mucus. Shigella bacteria are the bacteria that causes bacillary dysentery.
To fix this, you can mix the bitter leaf plant, the way is to take:

13. Treating Typhoid

Typhoid is a disease caused by bacteria. consuming bitter leaf is able to kill the bacteria that cause typhoid.
How to treat typhoid:

14. Treating Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a disease that attacks the lungs caused by tuberculosis bacillus. Lung disease is highly infectious airborne respiratory tract or through tuberculosis emitted during coughing. At first, a lung disease patients (tuberculosis) would develop inflammation of the lungs. Then increasingly pneumonia turned into sores and spread widely.
For those patients with pneumonia, you can treat it by using herbal bitter leaf, the way was the same as the way to cure dysentery or diarrhea above, namely by taking

15. Treat Respiratory Tract Infections

respiratory tract infections are infections that invade the human respiratory tract. Respiratory infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or other organisms. Secondary bacterial infections can also occur in patients with upper respiratory tract infections or bottom.
You can use the bitter leaf to treat it, the way is also the same as making potions for bacillary dysentery:

16. Treat Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a chronic disease that can be suffered. Kidney has an important function in the body, which functions as a filter. If kidney disease is left it will be fatal, it can even cause death.
Materials needed:
All of the above ingredients boiled with 1 liter of water, reserving half a liter. Then drink the water.

17. Overcoming Ear Inflammation

Ear inflammation can occur in any part of the outer ear (otitis externa) and the middle ear (otitis media). Acute ear inflammation is usually experienced by children.
Treatment using bitter leaf:
  • Take fresh bitter leaf
  • Wash the bitter leaf, blender / puree
  • Strain and take the water
  • Drops of water on a sore ear as much as 3 drops
  • Do 4-5 times a day

18. Overcome Appendicitis

Disease appendicitis or commonly known as appendicitis occurs when the appendix (appendix) becomes inflamed and pus-filled swelling. This could be caused by a blockage by foreign objects (food) for food or foreign objects that are not easily digested. As a result of the blockage, then enlarged lymphoid tissue and enlargement (swelling) which is the means easy for bacteria to breed. Swelling in the appendix of this if not treated immediately may rupture, causing infection of the lining of the abdomen. The incident was referred to as peritonitis.
How to made a treatment using bitter leaf:
  • First, provide twenty pieces of bitter leaf. Wash the bitter leaf nad then bitter leaf until finely ground. Then squeezed to take the juice. Consumed once depleted once a day.
  • Second, prepare thirty grams of bitter leaf, honey and a tablespoon of water to boil 400 ml. Wash the bitter leaf and then boil it. let the water becomes half. Then enter the honey and stir well. Taken three times a day in a state of water is already cold. Do it regularly.

 19. Treating Toothache

Bitter leaf is also useful to treat a toothache, the way is to use:

20. Treating Leptospirosis

Bitter leaf able to treat infections such as leptospirosis. How it with given injections or tablets of bitter leaf extract.

21. Treating Venom Insect s

You can use the leaves and Tobacco Bitter taste. For maximum results, do it this way 2 times a day until the pain swelling and pain that arises is completely cured.

22. Treating Mouth Inflammation

23. As a Drug For a Headache

24. Influenza Drug

Other benefits of bitter leaf to treat influenza. Influenza is not a dangerous disease, but we could have impaired breathing is difficult, even harder to sleep. To treat it using a dry powder of 1 g of bitter brewed with a cup of hot water. After a cold drink at once, Do it 3-4 times a day.

Bitter Leaf For Healthy Skin

The content andrografin, androfolit, and in a bitter panikulin a natural antibiotic. This content helps the body to reduce the risk of skin aging and againts the effects of free radicals.
The bitter extract is able to increase the body’s defense against infection that lowers the quality of the organs in the body, including the skin tissue.
There are a lot of skin problems, some skin problems can be cured with bitter leaf is:25. Itching
To treat itching, provide:
26. Prevent and Eliminate Acne
27. Scabs

28. Scabies

Bitter Leaf Side Effects

Bitter leaf safe to be consumed in the right amounts. Side effects that may arise in the form are loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, headache, runny nose, and fatigue.


(1) Reduce The Fever


2. Prevent Cancer 

3. Lowers Hypertension


4. Effective For Typhus Disease


6. Treating Malaria



Health Benefits of Bitter-Leaf

This kind of leaf is very familiar to some people but others may not have any idea about this wonder leaf. Bitter-leaf can grow anywhere unlike other leaves that only grow in certain places and temperature. These leaves flourishes anywhere they grow. They add beauty to all places where they are present. The most distinctive characteristic of this plant is its bitterness. Every part of this plant is bitter starting from the leaves to its roots. The bitterness of this plant is actually good for the body. It has a lot of health benefits to people. The plant can remind people that life is not always sweet; it takes to taste bitterness before you can achieve sweetness. This plant is very useful in toning the vital organs of the body especially the liver and the kidney.
The liver is one of the most important organs of the body. It has a lot of vital functions that is needed for normal functioning of the whole system of the body. Without the liver all major process in the body will be paralyze. The liver is known as the largest organ inside the body. It has an approximate weight of 1-3 kg in an average adult individual. There are a lot of major functions that the liver should do every day and this includes the production of bile acid that helps in fat metabolism.
Without the liver fats will not be digested inside the body to be use as energy. Bitter-leaf can be very helpful in maintaining the livers optimum health to release bile acid every time people eat fatty foods. Another major function of the liver is the production of glycogen. Glycogen is stored energy that is release in times of low level of glucose especially for people who do fasting.
The liver should be well taken care of by using bitter-leaf. Once the liver is been damage it can’t be restored into its normal function. People with liver problems can boil a bitter-leaf and drink a glass of it every day.
Another very vital organ inside the body is the kidney. Kidney helps in the excretion of waste products inside the body. If the normal function of the kidney breakdown there will great huge problem inside the body. Bitter-leaf a natural herb that is useful in taking care of the kidney and the liver.
Diabetic patient can also use bitter-leaf as one of their medication to prevent high sugar level in the blood. It will not only lower the sugar level in the blood but also repair impaired pancreas. As you all know pancreas is the organ responsible for the production of insulin for glucose to reach each cell to use by the body as energy. Impaired pancreas does not release the right amount of insulin to maintain the right sugar level in the blood. Bitter-leaf is a real wonder of nature. You can take the benefit of this amazing plant by squeezing its leaves in ten litters of wat


Bitterleaf juice

 It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2.

Made popular by it's bitter taste, it is used for preparing the well-known Bitter leaf soup.

This vegetable is extremely good for the body, health benefits include:

1 Increased metabolism- This is particularly good for anyone who wants to lose weight.

2 Relieves fever and feverish conditions- Just drink the juice gotten from squeezing the leaves three times daily.

3 Reduces the blood-sugar level- Making it very good for diabetic patients.

4 Cures skin rashes, eczema, ring worms- Due to its antibiotic and antifungal properties, it can cure skin ailments.

5 Cures pile.

6 Detoxifies the body.

7 Increases breast milk production in nursing mothers.

8 Cures mild stomach ailments.

9 Acts as a worm expeller.

contact us

1. May reduce the risk of breast cancer 2. Can reduce cholesterol which in turn helps reduce the risk factors associated with Stroke, Heart Attack and Alzheimer’s 3. Contains Antioxidants in abundance which helps to check oxidation thereby increasing the body’s disease fighting properties. 4. It aids digestion 5. Helps in maintaining the liver and kidney
Read more:
1. May reduce the risk of breast cancer 2. Can reduce cholesterol which in turn helps reduce the risk factors associated with Stroke, Heart Attack and Alzheimer’s 3. Contains Antioxidants in abundance which helps to check oxidation thereby increasing the body’s disease fighting properties. 4. It aids digestion 5. Helps in maintaining the liver and kidney
Read more:
1. May reduce the risk of breast cancer 2. Can reduce cholesterol which in turn helps reduce the risk factors associated with Stroke, Heart Attack and Alzheimer’s 3. Contains Antioxidants in abundance which helps to check oxidation thereby increasing the body’s disease fighting properties. 4. It aids digestion 5. Helps in maintaining the liver and kidney
Read more:
1. May reduce the risk of breast cancer 2. Can reduce cholesterol which in turn helps reduce the risk factors associated with Stroke, Heart Attack and Alzheimer’s 3. Contains Antioxidants in abundance which helps to check oxidation thereby increasing the body’s disease fighting properties. 4. It aids digestion 5. Helps in maintaining the liver and kidney
Read more:

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

HERBAL/NATURAL/HEALING WITH NATURAL FRUITS CURE FOR OVER 100 DISEASES ----The way to heathly living with herbs and root

 Here Are the Herbal/natural healing cure for over 100 disease and the way to healthy living with herbs and roots.
For matched poison which affect the leg; go and buy elephant shoes, then place it on the fire to bring out smoke then,heat your leg with smoke directly to the affected leg.Do it twice a day until the symptoms stop


5 Safe Herbs to Make Your Pregnancy Better


1. Peppermint Leaf

Peppermint leaves, probably the most rated and favorite herb among pregnant women across the globe. The powerful fragrance of peppermint can make you feel better instantly. So how to take the best out of peppermint leaves?
  • Many women suffer from morning sickness in the first trimester of their pregnancies. Peppermint is considered as the instant cure to feel better during this symptom. After waking up, put some peppermint leaver in your mouth before brushing teeth.
  • To get rid of bad breath (which may cause you to feel nauseous) before or after meal, chew some peppermint leaves.
  • Replace your milk tea habit with a refreshing cup of peppermint tea.
  • If you use mouthwash regularly, you can replace chemical mouthwash with peppermint. Just boil a few peppermint leaves in water. Take some warm flavored water and gargle properly.
  • Peppermint lemonade can make you feel refreshed instantly during pregnancy. It also works as a mood booster and reduces nausea problems.

2. Ginger

There is no other herb exists in this world which can replace the flavor and immense benefits of ginger. During pregnancy, it works like a medicine for many women.
  • Have you tried keeping ginger candies in your purse before? If no, then keep few candies in your purse from today. Whenever you feel a bit nauseous, suck a ginger candy to feel better instantly.
  • Sticking to the same tea every morning, can bring monotonous taste. Bring some twist in your breakfast by including ginger tea.
  • The flavor and taste of ginger can work as an instant mood booster too. Have some grated ginger whenever you feel low.

3. Red Raspberry Leaf

This mineral enriched herb contributes in many ways during pregnancy. The minerals ensure a better and healthy pregnancy, while study says that this herb also tones the uterus for a safe and risk free birth. Study also says that this herb can minimize the chances of complications during pregnancy and promote better circulation. As the leaf does not have a pleasant taste, consume this super herb by including it in your tea.

4. Cranberry

This red berry is packed with hefty amount of vitamin C and minerals. Plus, this particular fruit is really useful to prevent UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), mostly occurs to women during pregnancy. The water retaining and hydrating properties are making this fruit ideal to consume during pregnancy. Besides, after consuming, this fruit creates an acidic atmosphere and prevents the growth of UTI causing bacteria. A certain amount of cranberries or its juice can be intake during pregnancy, but over consumption can cause stomach upset problems.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile is a great stress buster. Many pregnant women suffer from sleeplessness, anxiety and stress during pregnancy. If these problems are not addressed early, other serious and long term problems may arise. The best way to heal all these problems is chamomile. The ingredients of chamomile work as a mild sedative which promote better sleep and reduce stress. Include chamomile tea in your daily diet and ensure a good night sleep.

Toxin-free products for women.

Dedicated to women who want exceptional toxin-free products, whether you are in your child-bearing years or beyond.

If you are having a few problems; we urge you to drink herbal tea. Our Splendid Women's Tea is perfect to help get those annoying symptoms under control.

If you are have serious or severe symptoms; order our Women's Tonic. After a few months your symptoms should be under control. Serious underlying internal problems will take longer to get under control. Diet and exercise is vitally important as well.

Pregnant? Congratulations!
Now you need to look at the chemicals you are putting on your skin and into your body. Chemicals from your body will transfer to your baby–potentially causing health problems.

Many books on aromatherapy have cautions about essential oils when you are pregnant. (This is called "covering your butt").

I have wondered about this for the 15 years I have been working with essential oils; then, I discovered a book written by Robert Tisserand, of the Tisserand Institute. He is sometimes referred to as the "Father of Aromatherapy".

This is in the Introduction section; RISKS IN PREGNANCY: A thorough search of the literature has not revealed any cases of unwanted abortion resulting from the use of essential oils. In fact most attempts by women to use essential oils to cause abortion have proven unsuccessful...

It is the oral administration of essential oils that should be avoided in pregnancy.

Small amounts of essential oils are not harmful; they are helpful.

An Herbal Remedy for Infertility

Fertility Tea
 Use of herbal remedies for infertility is an ancient practice that dates back to 200 AD. Fertility herbs are made from roots, leaves, bark, fruits, and flowers. Fertility herbs have a positive effect on the hormonal system, reproductive organs, and sex drive. These herbs help to balance the hormones and the menstrual cycle. Red clover and raspberry leaf can also help when there are cysts.Whether you are a believer in herbal medicine or not, the facts are undeniable. These herbs can help even after chemical fertility drugs have failed.There are never any risks or side effects to an unborn child. Multiple pregnancies, other than those that naturally occur, are never a problem. Unlike drugs, there are never any signs of birth defects from the use of natural fertility aids.These herbs are like fertilizer for the female body. Pregnancy is a gift from God that can only come from a man and a woman.This tea will help to get your body hormonally tuned and ready to conceive a healthy new child, naturally without drugs or harsh chemicals. They get your body ready to conceive. Creating the perfect breeding ground for conception only makes sense doesn't it? Studies shows that by balancing hormonal levels, your chances of conception can be increased by 3,000%.The female reproductive cycle is completely run by hormones. Without the hormones, conception would not occur. It's no wonder that if any of your key hormones are unbalanced then infertility is the result. Maintaining a balance of this fine-tuned system of glands and hormone excretions is paramount in the act of conception.

Directions for use: Use ¼ cup. Put in a quart canning jar. Fill the jar with boiling water. Screw on a tight lid. Let steep at room temperature overnight (or for at least four hours). Strain through cloth. Store in refrigerator. Drink two to four cups per day hot or cold. Can be sweetened to taste with honey, sugar or sugar substitute.
If you are not already taking a good herb based vitamin, start a good prenatal vitamin when starting this program. All necessary vitamins and minerals are in our Women's Herb Blend...great for use here. There are links between infertility in women and a deficiency in iron. Our Super Iron formula is great!

Red Clover: One of the most popular herbal fertility remedies, it is said to nourish the uterus, relax the nervous system, and balance hormones. It is high in calcium, vitamins, and magnesium. Red clover contains isoflavones (estrogen-like compounds) which promote estrogen production and which may enhance fertility in women and boost estrogen levels in women with estrogen deficiencies. Contains calcium and magnesium which can relax the nervous system and improve fertility. Traditionally, Red Clover has been administered to help restore irregular menses and to balance the acid-alkaline level of the vagina to promote conception. Especially helpful if there is scarring of the Fallopian tubes, irregular menses, abnormal cells in the reproductive tract, or "unexplained" infertility.
Raspberry Leaf: Used to restore a hormonal balance, nourish the uterus, and prevents pregnancy complications. Contains vitamins and minerals including vitamin C and calcium. The alkaloid called fragrine helps tone the uterus and muscles of the pelvic region. A powerful fertility-promoting herb.
Black Cohosh: Beneficial effect on hormone functioning. Also used in the prevention of miscarriage and in the treatment of menopause, it is said to improve hormone functioning due to its phytoestrogens.
Dong Quai: A traditional Chinese fertility herb that is said to help balance estrogen levels and improve the chances of embryo implantation.
Passion flower: Has been used for nervousness and trouble sleeping (insomnia). Helps increase libido.
Peppermint: Used to balance the body systems.Calming yet uplifting. Great flavor.
Stevia: Used to add sweetness without affecting blood sugar levels.

It is not only the woman who affects fertility. If you are wanting a child, join your wife in drinking this Fertility blend. It will only make you both healthier and heal any issues you may have.

OTHERWISE: Fertility Herbs men should consider taking:

Astralagus: Is thought to improve sperm motility and count.
Panax Ginseng: Also called Chinese or Korean ginseng, it is a popular infertility remedy in Chinese medicine, and is believed to increase testosterone levels, sperm count, and sperm motility.
Tribulus: Regulates hormones and increases testosterone.
Saw Palmetto: Commonly used for prostate health,it also seems to increase fertility.

Infertility Problem,be Hopefull. - Health

My Name is Mr. kofi, I am Nature Therapist with Profound Knowledge in Natural Medicine,
I am a Specialist in the Treatments of Staphylococcus and Diabetes Control,I have discovered a Natural drug which is very very Effective in the treatment of Staphylococcus and Diabetes Control,its very very Effective , it is Antioxidants and also has anti cancer and anti diabetes Properties , Nigerians sufferings from Staphylococcus have tried it and gave outstanding Testimonies,Laboratory Scientist that conducted there test were amazed after they took my natural drug,In the world and in Nigeria today many arr suffering from Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteria Infections , they have spent several thousands of money ranging from 50,000 to 300,000 naira and above all to no avail , they have been to notable Medical both Orthodox and traditional with big names , yet there problems persist , the demand for my therapy is on the increase and i could not meet up.

The composition of my Therapy for Staphylococcus Aureus are natural no chemical, no additives , no preservatives and it is amazing. Many Nigerians wants freedom from this Infections and here is a working natural drug.

I also intend to organize seminars and teach on Preventions of Infections and usage of common Herbs and leaves in control and preventions of deadly Infections this is another Avenue of making Money.Really millions need this service i bet you call me now Mr. Ade

19 Health Benefits of Scent Leaf (No.9 For Smoke Man

  1. Cough and phlegm laxative
obtained by squeezing the leaves to remove fluid (or an extract of leaves of Scent). Then take the
  1. Fever malaria
Scent leaves contain an effective antipyretic substance to reduce fever and cure malaria. To get this benefit,
  1. Indigestion
Drink brewing scent leaves as tea able to treat digestive problems such as diarrhea, mules, such as in the stomach and others. The content of the essence in the Scent leaves have a calming effect and cools the stomach.
  1. Lowering blood sugar
scent leafThese plants are also able to prevent cancer and reduce cholesterol. In diabetes mellitus, especially non-insulin dependent (NID diabetes), Scent may lower blood sugar levels and protect the pancreas cells that produce insulin from damage.
Randomized study in 1996 showed a decrease in blood sugar levels after eating are significant an at the NID-DM patients. According to research conducted on mice, the content of ethanol in mint efficacious lowering blood sugar levels. Another finding  was awesome, that Scent able to protect body tissue from damage caused by radiation.
  1. Relieve heartburn
Scent leaves tea is useful for curing heartburn, coughing, feeling unwell, menstrual pain, fever, malaria, respiratory problems, constipation, appetite enhancer, nausea, postpartum treatments, cleansers and boosters heart.
  1. Killing bacteria (antiseptic)
The content that contained in the leaves of Scent effective for killing germs. for antiseptic.
  1. Facilitate milk
If you have any problems with the smooth milk, eat Scent leaves to stimulate milk production.
  1. Getting rid of flies and mosquitoes
Contained in the fragrant aroma Scent leaves did not like by mosquitoes or flies. So if you want to repel mosquitoes or flies, keep the Scent leaves in a pot in the house.
  1. Reduce nicotine
Benefits of Scent leaves the latter is to help eliminate and repair the damage caused by smoking. Smokers must consume Scent leaves. Other Scent benefits can also reduce stress, prevent diabetes and kidney stone disease. Wind laxative (carminativa) contains mint like Scent.
  1. Improve the boil
Health Benefits of Scent leaves could imprve the boil. To ripen boils, you can take advantage of Scent leaves.
  1. Gastroenteritis
As anti-inflammatory Scent has the same effectiveness as aspirin and ibuprofen.  It is profitable. Scent is also not irritate the stomach. That’s because in this herb, there are more elements to prevent injury in the body.
  1. Healthy for the heart
Especially for adults, Scent leaves helps to prevent disease and heart problems. Every 100 grams of fresh Scent leaves have 33 grams of protein. In addition to protein, Scent also contains magnesium which helps reduce bad cholesterol and increase blood circulation. The benefits of Scent to help stabilize blood is blood circulation.
  1. Maintain the health of the eyes and mouth
Scent is very rich in vitamin A. As we know vitamin A can cope with various types of eye infections, conjunctivitis, eye soothing stress and also for the prevention of night blindness and other vision problems. In addition Scent leaves also be used to eliminate bad breath.
  1. Anti-Inflammatory
Scent plant has anti-inflammatory properties in it. These herbs help to treat arthritis. Scent also contains calcium that can help increase bone density and prevent diseases of the bone such as osteoporosis.
  1. Cosmetic Fragrances
Crushed Scent leaves of fragrant essential oils that can be used as a fragrance cosmetic and horticultural crops decoy fruit flies. Scent essential oil containing methyl eugenol, eugenol, cineol, linalol and terpineol.
  1. Fertility problems
Scent leaves was not only useful as part of the fresh vegetables that delicious eaten with chilli sauce and chicken or fried fish, but Scent also has benefits for male and female sexual organs. The compounds in Scent can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation in men. The content epigenin fenkhona and eugenol in Scent can facilitate erection. Additionally, arginine substances contained in the Scent can strengthen sperm vitality and prevent infertility.
  1. High in Vitamin A, calcium and phosphorus
Scent including vegetables that rich in provitamin A. Each 100 grams of Scent leaves contained vitamin A. SI 5000 plus, Scent including as vegetables that contain lots of minerals calcium and phosphorus as many as 45 and 75 mg per 100 grams of Scent leaves.
  1. Women’s reproductive health
So also in women, Scent leaves is rich in anetol and boron compounds, capable of inducing the hormone estrogen. It’s Eugenol compound is also able to kill the fungus that causes vaginal discharge. In addition stigmaasterol substances in the Scent may stimulate the egg maturation. Tannin and zinc reduce the secretion of vaginal fluid, there is also a substance called tryptophan that can delay menopause
  1. Antifungal
there is two reason why scent leaves can be anti-fungal: The gotten extracts from leaves of scent contain anti-fungal properties because the scent of essential oils present in leaves contains anti-fungal, and it is contain antiseptics beside contains antibacterial properties, too.
Essential oils of Scent leaves can be used for aroma therapy massage, because the essential oils of Scent can relieve and refresh the body. However, pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it feared could cause a miscarriage. But beside  that essential oils can be used as a mixture of various manufacture of drugs and body treatments such as soap, essence perfumes, body lotions, ointments, lozenges, as well as aromatherapy oils.

Some of the health benefits of Bitter leaf

It speeds up metabolism and therefore is great for weight loss.

* Bitter leaf juice relieves fever and feverish conditions. Take the squeezed juice, 3 times daily until the symptoms disappears.

* It also helps to reduce high sugar level in the blood, and great for diabetic patients.

* Squeeze the fresh leaves on your palm and apply the juice on skin rashes,eczema, ring worms and any superficial skin ailments, you'll notice a change in few days. Don't apply to open wounds.

* Bitter leaf is said to soothe and also cure pile .

* Taking a cup of bitter leaf juice a day, is a great way to detoxify the body of harmful toxins.

* Bitter leaf juice nourishes the skin.

* Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) also cures mild stomach ailments

* Bitter leaf juice is said to increase breast milk production in nursing mothers.

* The washed roots and stalks of bitterleaf  are boiled and the infusion is taking as a worm expeller. A cup of bitter leaf infusion taking first thing in the morning before meals

Can regular intake of a herbal preparation made predominately with scent leaf and bitter leaf stop the growth of breast, lung and

Bitter leaf

Researchers have found that using scent leaf or sweet basil and bitter leaf in combination or singly could stop the growth of breast, lung and prostate cancers.
They have also found that aqueous extract of bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) could be used as adjuvant in the management of people living with Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS); and for restoration of skin colour and form as well as calming and vitalizing the body.
Botanically called Vernonia amygdalina, bitter leaf is of the plant family Compositae. It is called ewuro in Yoruba and onugbu in Ibo. It is a small shrub that grows predominantly in the tropical Africa. In Nigeria, the plant is locally called bitter leaf due to its bitter taste.
Botanically called Ocimum gratissimum, scent leaf or Basil belongs to the mint family Lameacea. It is called effirin in Yoruba and nchuanwu or arigbe in Ibo.
Vernonia amygdalina and Ocimum gratissimum are among the traditionally used herbal plants to treat different ailments. Vernonia amygdalina has been found useful in the ethno therapy of asthma, schistosomiasis, malaria, measles, diarrhoea, tuberculosis, abdominal pain and fever.
Ocimum gratissimum is commonly used in cooking due to its minty aromatic flavour. Traditionally, Ocimum gratissimum has been used for the treatment of headache, diarrhoea, wart worms and kidney infections. The leaves of the African varieties of Ocimum gratissimum are said to contain thymol oil, which has been found to be highly antiseptic and also used to prevent mosquito bite. Vernonia amygdalina and Ocimum gratissimum have been found to have anti-diabetic properties and boost the immune system.
As one of the plants that form a major portion of the naturalist’s pharmacopeia in Nigeria, bitter leaf has been shown to possess diverse therapeutic effects such as anti-malarial, anti-microbial (anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-plasmodial, among others), anti-diabetic and anti-cancer effects. The anti-cancer effect of VA was first shown in human carcinoma of nasopharynx and later in leukemia cells P-388 and L-1210 using the chloroform extract of VA. Different extracts of VA have thus been used in scientific research to reveal the therapeutic properties of this plant.
A new study has found that scent leaf stops breast cancer. The study titled “Ocimum gratissimum retards breast cancer growth and progression and is a natural inhibitor of matrix metalloproteases” was published in Cancer Biology & Therapy journal.
The researchers wrote: “Ocimum genus (a.k.a holy basil or tulsi) is a dietary herb used for its multiple beneficial pharmacologic properties including anti-cancer activity. Here we show that crude extract of Ocimum gratissimum (OG) and its hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions (HB and HL) differentially inhibit breast cancer cell chemotaxis and chemoinvasion in vitro and retard tumor growth and temporal progression of xenografts, a model of human breast comedo-ductal carcinoma in situ (comedo-DCIS).
“OG-induced inhibition of tumor growth was associated with decreases in basement membrane disintegration, angiogenesis and matrix metalloproteases (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 activities as confirmed by in situ gelatin zymography and cleavage of galectin-3. There was also decrease in MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities in the conditioned media of OG-treated MCF10AT1 and MCF10AT1-EIII8 premalignant human breast cancer cells as compared with control.
“The MMP-2 and MMP-9 inhibitory activities of OG were verified in vitro using gelatin, a synthetic fluorogenic peptide and recombinant galectin-3 as MMP substrates. Mice fed on OG-supplemented drinking water showed no adverse effects compared with control. These data suggest that OG is non-toxic and that the anti-cancer therapeutic activity of OG may in part be contributed by its MMP inhibitory activity.”
Also, a Nigerian born Professor of Biology, Ernest Izevbigie has patented a formula made from bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina).
This bitter leaf-based formula is a proven anti-diabetic and anti-cancer formula in laboratory and clinical trials. This formula product can also benefit HIV/AIDS patients. It has been patented: U.S. Patent 6,713,098 in 2004 and the second 6,848,604 in 2005.
Izevbigie said: “We found that in using the plant material (from Vernonia amygdalina), some compounds from the extracts were able to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. Later through collaborative research, we found they were also effective in other tumor cells.”
Izevbigie explained that evidence from cell culture and animal studies research and reports from individuals reveal that bitter leaf formula supplement may abate or improve the health conditions or symptoms of HIV/AIDS patients including abrosia (wasting away), nausea and vomiting, compromised immune systems etc. Bitter leaf supplement-induced stimulation of the immune system offers hope to many suffering with AIDS related diseases.
The professor further explained that available data shows that bitter leaf extracts might be effective against herpes virus, and against Kaposi sarcomas (KS), a tumour caused by Human herpes virus 8 (HHV8).
Some of the principal chemical compounds found in the bitter leaf herb are known as steroid glycosides – type vernonioside B1. These compounds possess potent anti-parasitic, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial effects.
Intercedd Health Products (IHP) is blazing the trail with the introduction of Vernonia Ocimum Tea into the Nigerian market. Vernonia Ocimum Tea is made from Vernonia amaygdalina and Ocimum gratissimum.
The indication on the product reads: “Vernonia amaygdalina is a shrub that grows in tropical Africa. It is commonly called bitter leaf because of its bitter taste. The bitterness is as a result of the presence of the sesquiterpenes lactones and steroid glycosides, which are responsible for the activity.
“Ocimum gratissimum, Scent Leaf, is rich in alkaloids, tannins; flavonoid, phytates and oligosaccharides which are responsible for its medicinal properties.
Vernonia Ocimum tea has immense health benefits such as body weight management, easy bowel evacuation, cleansing of the body system and control of body sugar.”
IHP has also developed another immune booster, Immunovit IHP. According to the developer and professor of pharmacognosy, Maurice Iwu, Immunovit-IHP a disease-fighting supplement, designed to boost immunity against a wide variety of ailments, was crafted to combine the health restoring benefits of Ganoderma mushroom, the antioxidant properties of pomegranate fruits and the adaptogenic/immune enhancing effects of Korean ginseng root extract.
Iwu told The Guardian: “Immunovit-IHP is indicated as a general detoxifier and immune system booster. It has been shown to be valuable in the management of chronic diseases including diabetes. The primary active ingredient of Immunovit – IHP is the Asian mushroom, Ganoderma lucidium or also called ‘Reishi’. The major constituents include Ganoderma triterpenoids and polysaccharides which are unique to Reishi and not found in significant quantities in other plants. Over 150 triterpenoids are found in G. lucidium, which are responsible for some of the numerous pharmacological effects associated with the mushroom.
“The second component of Immunovit – IHP is dried extract of the fruits of Punica granatum, which retains the poly-phenols that prevent the harmful effects of singlet oxygen and other pro-inflammatory free radicals that cause tissue damage in diabetes. The formulation also contains aged Korean ginseng, Panax ginseng, an adaptogen with broad spectrum of beneficial activities, including detoxification, cardiotonic health and stress reduction.”
On the major indications of Immunovit IHP, Iwu said: “As immune booster, apart from its acclaimed use to provide non-specific support for whole system and tissue-level repair and recuperation, IMMUNOVIT-IHP increases the immunoglobulin levels, it provides strong body immunity, and the course of chronic diseases may be reversed.
“As antioxidant, IMMUNOVIT-IHP is the miracle solution which acts against the free oxygen radicals-known as the scourge of humanity. Free oxygen radicals have long been known to damage our cellular structures, genes, DNA and RNA causing premature ageing and over 4000 diseases. IMMUNOVIT-IHP removes bad chemicals from the body, promotes new skin to replace the old ones therefore making you look younger all the time.
“As anti-viral, IMMUNOVIT-IHP reduces or stops the growth of all viruses including the dreaded ones by the production of Interferon. IMMUNOVIT-IHP increases killer cells (cells that fight against foreign bodies in the human body) activity, and also stops the immune system from attacking the host tissue.”
On other health benefits, Iwu said: “IMMUNOVIT-IHP is particularly useful in the management of metabolic disorders, or the so-called Metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome (MetS), also known as insulin resistance syndrome or syndrome X, is the name of a group of risk factors that commonly occur together and include hypertension, abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, and dysglycemia. The use of Immunovit is likely to reduce the risk for the chronic co-morbidities, particularly cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease that often occur with elevated blood sugar.
“In summary, as a result of its activity against metabolic disorders, Immunovit can be used in the management of diabetes, obesity, blood pressure, kidney diseases, liver diseases, insomnia and other sleep disorders, ulcer diseases, detoxifier and energizer, anti-allergy, anti – inflammatory, anticoagulant, cardiotonic.”
Meanwhile, scent leaf, since ancient times has been one of the most popular dietary herbs used for its numerous pharmacological properties.
In recent years, resurging interest in its medicinal properties has led to several studies demonstrating its anti-carcinogenic, radiation-protecting and free-radical scavenging activities.
Aqueous extract of Ocimum gratissimum inhibits proliferation, migration, anchorage-independent growth, induction of COX-2 protein and three-dimensional growth and morphogenesis of breast cancer cells, while others have shown that it suppressed A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells’ viability by activation of apoptotic signals and reducing the expression levels of Bcl-2. Ethanolic extracts of Ocimum sanctum were reported to be cytotoxic to mouse Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cells and reduced number of tumor nodule formation in LLC-injected mice. Essential oils isolated from Ocimum viride showed cytotoxic and apoptotic activities toward the colonic carcinoma cells COLO 205.
The researchers further stated: “Previously, we compared three species of Ocimum, O. gratissimum, O. sanctum (green) and O. sanctum (purple) and examined their effect on breast cancer and endothelial cell migration. The results showed that aqueous extracts from all species exerted an inhibitory effect on tumor cell migration, but not significantly on endothelial cell migration. OG also reduced tumor size and neoangiogenesis in a xenograft, a preclinical model of human breast ductal carcinoma in situ, prompting the need for further evaluation of its breast cancer preventive and therapeutic properties.
“Numerous studies in preclinical cancer models demonstrated the ability of MMP inhibitors to delay primary tumor growth and block metastasis. However, in clinical trials these inhibitors failed due to significant toxicity and limited clinical efficacy. The paradigm shift for MMP functions, from destructive enzymes to cell signaling regulators and disease anti targets28 suggests that the roles of MMPs in disease development are far more complex than originally thought. Hence in cancer MMP activities are probably more relevant during early stages of tumor development with MMP dependent signaling more relevant biologically than ECM degradation.
“In the present study we report that Ocimum gtatissimum inhibits the progression of human breast cancer, which is partly due to its property as natural non-toxic inhibitor of MMP-2/-9 activities.”
Another study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that extracts of Ocimum gratissimum might be beneficial to lung carcinoma treatment.
The study is titled “Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract Induces Apoptotic Signalling in Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell A549.”
The Taiwanese researchers found: “Ocimum gratissimum (OG) is widely used as a traditional herb for its antibacterial activity in Taiwan. Recently, antitumor effect of OG on breast cancer cell is also reported; however, the effects of OG on human pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell A549 remain unclear. Therefore, we aimed to investigate whether aqueous OG extract (OGE) affects viability of A549 cells and the signals induced by OGE in A549 cells.
“Further investigation showed that OGE enhanced activation of caspase-3, caspase-9 and caspase-8 and increased protein level of Apaf-1 and Bak, but diminished the level of Bcl-2. Additionally, OGE inhibited the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) yet enhanced the phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 MAP kinase (p38). In conclusion, our findings indicate that OGE suppressed the cell viability of A549 cells, which may result from the activation of apoptotic signaling and the inhibition of anti-apoptotic signaling, suggesting that OGE might be beneficial to lung carcinoma treatment.”
Results of another study published in Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved encouraged the further studies of Ocimum gratissimum as a potential treatment of prostate cancer.
The researchers wrote: “In this study, the antiproliferative activity of the organic solvent-soluble and aqueous extracts of Ocimum gratissimum leaf against the prostate cancer cells PC3·AR were evaluated by their inhibitory effects on the Androgen Receptor (AR) and Survivin protein. Two organic solvent-soluble extracts P2 and P3–2, and a water- soluble extract, PS/PT1, were found to reduce AR and Survivin levels in a time-dependent manner.
“In addition, extract PS/PT1, also exhibited the inhibitory activity in a dose-dependent manner. This is the first time that the inhibitory eff ects of O. gratissimum extracts have been evaluated on the Androgen Receptor (AR) and Survivin protein. The results encouraged the further studies of O. gratissimum as a potential treatment of prostate cancer.”
Researchers have also found that the anti-cancer activities of Vernonia amygdalina extract in human breast cancer cell lines are mediated through caspase-dependent and p53-independent pathways
The researcher was published in PLOS O

Monday, 1 August 2016

Soursop Leaves Benefits for Cancer

Soursop Leaves Benefits

As more and more people turn to alternative sources of medicine that are not comprised of man-made chemicals, many natural substances are gaining popularity. Among these is a natural material known as Soursop. Soursop is a broad-leafed evergreen, flowering tree with fruit that looks like an over-inflated cross between a green apple and a pineapple, which can grow up to fifteen pounds. It is native to Central and South America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Southeast Asia where it is grown commercially for the making of juice, sorbet, ice cream, candy, and smoothies (the fruit has the taste of pineapple mixed with strawberries). The entire tree – leaves, fruit, bark, and root – is valued for its medicinal properties that have been used to treat an incredible number of ailments, maladies, and diseases, ranging from backaches to cancer. The benefits of soursop are truly worth considering, and below are just a few.
  • Hair and skin problems: Soursop is good at treating a number of hair problems such as split ends, dandruff, and falling hair, greying, and head lice. To derive these benefits make a tea from the leaves and use it as a hair rinse. The natural ingredients in the leaves, when mashed until soft and applied directly to the affected area, are good at treating eczema as well as skin infections such as acne.
  • Treating blood disorders: Because the tree is rich is rich in iron, teas made from soursop fruit and leaves are great for treating anemia and increasing red blood cell count. It is also good for reducing hypertension; and because of its antibacterial properties, it is very effective in curing infections. Placing a whole fresh leaf on a cut, sore, or wound should help healing progress more quickly than when left untreated.
  • Treating Breast Cancer: An online article published by Cancer Centers of America discussed a study released in in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, published in 1997, indicated that chemical composites extracted from soursop fruit were more effective at destroying culture breast cancer cells than chemotherapy.  Soursop leaves have been shown to kill cancer cells 10,000 times more effectively than other treatments, with the added benefit that it does not harm healthy cells. Soursop has also been found to be very effective in treating the side-effects of chemotherapy. The Journal of Medicinal Chemistry was not alone in its findings. The Health and Sciences Institute has published more than one paper pronouncing that soursop leaves were very effective in killing cancer cells without harming the rest of the body. The National Cancer Institute came to the same conclusion, even the University of Purdue and other universities around the world found similar findings. No further studies have been done however, because soursop is a natural substance, and therefore cannot be patented. However, in some countries it has been used as a treatment for colon, prostate, and lung cancers with some success.
  • Disorders of the organs: Soursop leaf tea can treat gallbladder problems, liver ailments, and it can even lower glucose levels in diabetics by stimulating increased insulin production by aiding the beta cells in the pancreas.
  • Nutrient Content: Both the leaves and the fruit of the soursop tree contain high levels of Vitamins A and B, and C, fiber, iron, potassium, . Soursop leaves also contain gentisic acid, annonacin, annocatalin, and anonol that
  • Immune system booster: soursop tea can be used to perk up and feel better quicker when getting  Some even think it will slow the progress of AIDS.
  • Sleep aide: in the Caribbean soursop tea has been used for centuries as a treatment for insomnia, or one can just put a few fresh leaves into their pillow for that effect.
  • Painful swollen feet: to reduce the discomfort brew some soursop tea and use as a foot soak.
  • Arthritis and gout: soursop leaves can be mashed and rubbed on joints to reduce the pain.
These are just some of the valuable contributions that soursop offers to human health, and as natural cures and treatments are becoming more and more popular, soursop is one more powerful substance in the collection for human wellness. In the current age of “The Global Marketplace” and internet interconnectedness, this exotic medicine chest is easily and rather inexpensively acquired. A quick search on Amazon will show that you can buy the leaves, 30 for five dollars, or 200 for fifteen dollars. If you want the tea already processed and in little individual-serving teabags it is under thirty dollars for a box of 40.  If you prefer capsules or vitamins you can get them from a supplement company in bottles of 100 or 200 with no prescription required (but please notify your doctor if you choose to try these remedies so side effects and changes to your condition can be monitored). For those who live in a tropical climate a tree can be purchased for $35 to $90 depending on the size of the tree at time of delivery.

Benefits of Soursop Leaves


Soursop leaf extract can help to tackle cancer besides also able to maintain a healthy body from various health problems.
What are the benefits of soursop leaf extract for health? Here’s more:

Antibacterial:To Inhibit bacterial growth
Antiviruses: To pursue the development of virus
Anticancer: To Inhibit cancer development
Antitumor: To Inhibit tumor growth
Antiparasitic: To Inhibit parasite development
Antimalarials: Antimalarials
Antileishmania: Antileishmania
Antispasmodic: Substance that can relax smooth muscle
Antikonfulsan: anticonvulsants
Astrigen: Substances that wrinkle / shrink mucous membranes
Antimutagenic: Substances that are inhibiting gene mutation
Analgesic: Substances that can relieve pain / ache
Anti-inflammatory: Substances that suppress inflammation
Febrifuge: Substances that lower fever
Hypotensive: Substances that are lowering blood pressure
Hypoglycemic: Substances that are lowering blood sugar levels
Nervin: To strengthen nerve / nerve tonic
Kardiodepresan: Pressing cardiac activity
Galactogogue: Substances that can increase breast milk production
Sedatives: Substances that are soothing
Stomakik: Substance that strengthens the stomach and increase appetite
Vasodilators: Substances that dilate blood vessels are
Vermifuge: Substances that can kill intestinal worms
Diuretics: The emetic of aurine
Tranquilizers: Substances that are soothing


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