Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Zobo leaves

Human immunodeficiency Virus known as a retrovirus that copies its genetic material onto the genetic material of human cells. The cell remains infected once they are infected. HIV prevents the immune system to function normally making it vulnerable to diseases. Healthy immune system fights diseases. The major cells that fight diseases and coordinate the immune system are destroyed by HIV. This gives room to opportunistic infections. Opportunistic infections are diseases by pathogens that are always around people, infections that can not affect healthy people with healthy immune systems, instead of keeping them under control, weakened immune system allow infections to infect the whole body. Out-of-control-cells which are also kept in check by the immune system allow opportunistic tumors and wasting syndrome and HIV encephalopathy (when immune in the brain are damaged by HIV causing the brain and nerves not to work well) because HIV don't have symptom of its own.
HIV is not Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is the result of the depletion of specific immune cells caused by HIV. AIDS is not a disease with predictable symptoms. AIDS is a syndrome which is a collection of signs and symptoms that vary from person to person. Many people do not know they have HIV. It is ailments like fever, rashes, sore throat, cough and other diseases that may first appear. When these ailments coincide with the period that the blood test positive for HIV antibodies that it is referred to as a seroconversion disease.
It takes months or years before the effect of HIV infection becomes apparent. Studies show that damage to the body tends to become more serious as time goes on that infections may appear.

CAUSES: There are many ways of transmitting HIV. Blood to blood contact, through unprotected sexual contact, sharing of needles among intravenous users, unstirelised barbing and hair dressing instruments are the known method people can be infected with HIV. Blood transfusion and infected blood products, mother to baby during pregnancy, birth or breast feeding are also ways of contracting HIV.
Since HIV has come to stay with the people, it has been assumed that pre-existing condition for the development of AIDS. It is not always like that. Immune system can be compromised in other ways including idiopathic CD4 Iymphocytopenia (ICL) which in rare cases can bring about the same types of infections related to AIDS.

NUTRITIONAL REMEDIES in Green pepper provide antioxidants. Malabsorption is what HIV sufferers experience in nutritional remedy. Nutrients support the immune system to function properly. Garlic boosts immune system and fights all forms of infections. Citrus seed extract eliminates infections, bacteria, fungal, parasite and viral infections. Aloe vera juice contains antifungal and anti-bacteria properties. Coenzyme QIO is a powerful cell oxygenerator. Vitamin 'C' in large doses fends off infections. Large doses of Vitamin 'C' causes diarrhoea. Reduce dosage if diarrhoea occur. Zobo known as Hibiscus Sabdariffa combined with scent leave, known as Basil, garlic and ginger offer natural remedy for diarrhoea. HIV sufferers experience diarrhoea as years go on. Zobo (Hibiscus Sabdariffa), Basil, garlic and ginger may help.

HERBAL REMEDIES: Herbs should be used with nutritional therapy to stimulate the immune system.

(a) Chaparral is an anti-immune disorder, anti-cancer, antioxidant, antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic and prevents skin infections. Take two capsules or twenty drops extract of chaparral two times daily.
(b) GOLDENSEAL boosts immunity and fights infections. Use one capsule two times daily for one week in a month.
(c) SORGHUM BICOLOR also known as MILLETS or GUINEA CORN. Use a handful of the dried Leave as herbal tea once a day.

Prevention of HIV/AIDS is better than the treatment because it has no cure.

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