(1). Body Stress.
Traditionally Ginseng has been used 2 reduce
stress on d body, increase d strength of d
immune system & delay d effects of aging.
(2). Brain Blood Flow
Ginkgo is a herb dt increases blood flow 2 d
brain, it is used primarily as an aid 4 memory
& mental clarity.
(3). Natural Cholesterol.
Do u enjoy sliced onions with ur food? If yes,
rejoice! Raw onion encourages d production
of good cholesterol (HDL), thus keeping ur
heart healthy.
(4). Stop Child Vomiting.
Spearmint can b used by expectant mothers
as a mild remedy 4 nausea & vomiting during
(5). Clear Bowel & Stomach Upset.
Do u kno dt Peppermint is used 2 treat
irritable bowel syndrome &stomach upsets?
External application can also relieve headache.
(6). Blood Circulation.
Adding a little Cayenne pepper 2 ur food will
help improve ur blood circulation & giv higher
energy levels.
(7). Stretch Mark.
Do u kno dt Shea butter or oil can b applied
by itself 2 treat skin conditions & has been
used 2 treat stretch marks?.
(8). Clear Eczema in ur Body.
To relieve itching caused by eczema? Use
baking soda & oatmeal in baths.
(9). Cure Loss of Libido.
Cut unripe paw paw fruit inclusive of seeds &
peel, boil in water, b drinking it every night
after food.
1. It is a great solution 4 potency (potency is
ability 2 hav good sex).
2. It make woman cervix slippery beta,&it is
found out dt wetty woman wth d slippery
pussy is d most healthy female.
(10). Cure Jaundice.
Pregnancy woman shu cut unripe pawpaw
in2 cover plastic,soak it wth water drink it
everyday,half of stainless cup,renew it every
4-4days, it make u hav easy delivery,bcus d
babe will com wth much slippery substance.
4. It make such a babe look hansome or prity.
(11). Lung Problem.
Who has lungs problem can b taking water
soad by unripe pawpaw everyday. It can b
store in frigde.
(12). Cure Stomach Ache.
Bitter herbs ar good 4d body, they tone d vital
organs especially d liver & kidney.
-Do u hav a stomach ache? Try bitter leaf,
chew d tender stem.
Bitter kola is good 4 sore throats & coughs, bt
it does more dan d work. Ulcer, diabetes
patients. Pls here is a good news 4u.
-Buy unripe bananas abt 4 of it.
-Den watch it clean.
-Pls dnt pill d green cover.
-Cut it dem in2 5 5 eachs
-pure dem in2 plastic dt has cover.
-Add fresh water on it.
-Cut abt 6 bitter cola in2 it.
-Add 2 milk tins of original honey in2 it
-2nd day, pls b taking it & see wht will b
happening 2 ur system.
-It can spend 7days b4 u renew anoda herbs
in d same way. U might be thinking other
wise, bt dis is a theory & a proofing dt is best
known 2 m as among of d best natural way 2
suspend ulcer & diabetes.
(14). Diabetes.
Diabetes Patience r advice 2 desist frm taking
much sugar,soft drinking, stressing demselve
too much. They shu move away frm eaten
much starch food dt could enhance d
problem further.
(15). Stop Bad Effect of Alcoholic.
Pawpaw & Aloe Vera juice helps neutralize
intoxication&de hydration caused by
excessive consumption of alcohol.
- Cut d d solid fresh pawpaw in2 pieces, pure
dem in2 Ragolis Plastic Bottle, cut d hand of
Aloe Vera in2 small size dt can enta in2 d
plastic, add honey 2 it, den add water.
- Sill it by 2nd day d patience who suffer frm
Excessive Alcohol consumption can b taking it
by half stanless cup every 9t.
-It help 2flush out all 11 bad elements dt
excess of alcoholic concumtion can cause 2
damage our system.
(16). Cure For Malaria:
PAINEAPPLE. Boil dem together & take it
Worm, one Tea cup in d morni, afternoon & 9t
4 1week 4u 2get Typhoid &Malaria off ur
body system.
(17). Balance Ur hearing.
Do u kno dt d 7 Super Spices ar Cinnamon,
Oregano, Rosemary, Curry, Thyme, Ginger, &
dried Red peppers? -Always hav dem on hand
(18). Brain vision.
Mistletoe tea helps in balancing electric
activity of d brain & helps in calming d
nervous system. Carrots contain a high
dosage of vitamin A which is very good 4
improved visn.
(19). Help Ur Thinking Faculty.
Eaten always help ur memory faculty by
remembring things easily&so quick.
(20). .BACTERIAL . Do u kno Bacterial can easily
tamper with Chloride, Calcium, Magnessium,
Phosphoorus, Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid & co
in ur system. & d next thing u hear Dr says is
dt u r Hypertitic Positive. Dt's 2say u r having
Liver &abdominal Problem. All Nigerians shu
kno nw dt HP is nt only causing by sexual
transmitted disease alone. - Getting much
wounds & failures 2 treated it cause it. -Wht u
r taking wrongfully @ times cause it. -Much &
over stayable untreated bacterial cause it. -
Trully 1 can b infected by oral sex&other way
of sex. Bt much off all d source too refers 2 as
action of BACTERIALS. Pls dear noble frnds, as
u r able 2 pay ur sch, buy urself wear, get ur
need till u started trainning ur kids in sch &
provide 4d shelter, Y wnt u b taken care of ur
SOUL along d race?, which is d engine dt cary
on d body, dt does d rest tasks? If ones body
system contain many untreated or unflush
substances which refers 2 as chemical
compounds in d system, dis also form
Bacteria dt lead 2 H P+. -Taking fruits dt has
alot 2do wth flushing unwanted substances
away frm d system is 1 of d best way out 2
get ride of it. Dnt wait till u r fall. -Taking
water always & stop unecessary aggressive is
anoda way out 2 cure Hp+. -Garlic is a natural
antibiotic, it helps in building d immune
system of d body. So u must familiarize urself
with eaten it. -Whn 1 is H/B positive, it drain
protein & cuase unbalance of Sugar level in d
system. -Best way out: Bitter leaf helps repair
d pancreas as well as cut down sugar levels in
d blood. Take 2 glasses of freshly made Juice
frm bitter leafs thrice daily is very good. USES:
Woman can add honey original Honey, while
men can add red oil 2 thier own or better still
take it with soya milk nt pick milk or 3 crown.
3 crown milk is 4 those fat piple who wish 2
diet. -HP is bad whn untreat, Bacterial is bad
whn stay long, Colon in d system is bad, dnt
play wth Bacterial. Pls flush ur system thrice in
contact us +2348068808564
Saturday, 1 November 2014
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