According to him, the industry has thrived in recent years. And for people who want to make ends meet with animal farming, Onebunne advised them to try raising quails for health and wealth. Quails need little water and food and lays an egg a day, he said.
“British researchers say that quail egg should be pronounced a super-food, as it has a very good impact on our health and even helps to fight obesity. According to nutritionists, the egg as food is one of the richest in good essential ingredients and we all should consume at least two eggs a day. The researchers emphasize the egg’s important role in general health protection as well as losing and maintaining body weight. Quail egg is simply an elixir of life, we all need.
“To eat quail eggs as part of a healthy diet, it is recommended that people consume them raw. But a lot of people don’t like the idea. But to make the taste more pleasant you can mix it with orange, tomatoes or pineapple natural juice.
Quail eggs Onebunne said, are considered as one of the best known natural treatment products. Chinese medical practitioners have been using quail eggs for treatment over decades with brilliant results. As quail eggs are slowly becoming an easy to get product on the market, more people are beginning to show interest in its uses as an active natural medicine instead of the chemical products with many side effects.
“You may be surprised at how many benefits that come from the simplest foods, and quail eggs is one of nature’s big surprises. Quail eggs are valuable little things that have a number of amazing health benefits, and you may be surprised at how valuable the little eggs can be at keeping you healthy and free of disease and illness.
“Quail eggs contain 3 or 4 times as much nutritional value as chicken eggs do, and they are 13% protein while chicken eggs are only 11% per cent. They contain nearly three times as much Vitamin B1as chicken eggs do, and you can get double the amounts of Vitamin B2 and Vitamin A by eating quail eggs. Fertile quail eggs are also very rich in calcium and phosphrous, and you can actually obtain 5 times more potassium and iron from quail eggs than from chicken eggs. Jovana farms organizesnationwide sensitization training seminars on the practical ways of making it through small scale animal farming. Attend our nationwide seminars nearest to you and know more opportunities in
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