Quail Eggs - 50 Eggs
Quail eggs are small speckled pearls that nature gives us. Since ancient times, this delicacy has been prized as a dietary and healing food. While quail eggs are so small (10-12 g), they are packed with many biologically active substances we need to be healthy. They are an abundant source of useful trace elements and vitamins. Their nutritional value is 3-4 times higher than that of chicken eggs. They contain 13% proteins while chicken eggs provide a bit more than 11%. Quail eggs contain 140 ìg vitamin B1 compared to 50 ìg in chicken eggs, and they contain twice as much vitamins A and B2. And quail eggs provide five times as much iron and potassium as chicken eggs. They also are richer in phosphorus and calcium.
Due to their amazing content, quail eggs are considered as a dietary food. The thing is quail eggs do not have “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and are very rich in “good” (HDL) cholesterol, so even seniors can eat them. Unlike chicken eggs, they do not cause allergy and diathesis. What’s more, they can help fight allergy symptoms due to the ovomucoid protein that is even used in the production of some antiallergic drugs. Regular consumption of quail eggs can help against many diseases.
Health Benefits of Quail EggsQuail eggs:
•are a remedy against digestive tract disorders such as gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
•can help cure anemia increasing hemoglobin level and remove toxins and heavy metals from blood.
•help in the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, diabetes and vegetative-vascular dystonia.
•have strong anticancer effects and may help inhibit cancerous growth.
•help eliminate and remove stones from liver, kidneys and gallbladder.
•may accelerate recuperation after blood stroke and help strengthen heart muscle.
•are a powerful stimulant of sexual potency. They nourish the prostrate gland with useful substances, phosphorus, proteins and vitamins and therefore help restore sexual potency in men.
•promote good memory, enhance brain activity and regulate the nervous system.
•strengthen the immune system slow down aging of organs and increase the life span.
•improve skin color and strengthen hair making it shiny and voluminous. That’s why quail eggs are used for facial and hair care masks.
If kids eat at least 2 quail eggs daily, they grow better and are less likely to suffer from infectious diseases.
How to Eat Quail Eggs: Already impressed by unbelievable quail eggs health benefits? If you want not just enjoy them but also promote your health, you’d better eat raw eggs after washing them in boiling water. You don’t have to be afraid of salmonellosis because the body temperature of quails is higher than that of chicken. Quail eggs are resistant to infections due to their increased content of lysozyme that kills harmful bacteria.
Note: It would be a good habit of eating 3-5 quail eggs each morning to create a strong immunity and improve metabolism. You will experience a lasting fit of energy and vigor. After 3-4 months of regular consumption of the eggs, you will see an improvement in our overall health..
Quail eggs are not a staple in the American diet, but they are prized for their many valuable health benefits. For centuries health practitioners in China have prescribed quail eggs skin conditions, asthma, sinus problems and cough. Quail eggs are gradually increasing in popularity throughout the West, but they are not available everywhere. For people who do not have access to fresh quail eggs, there are capsules online that will provide similar health benefits. Quail eggs contain three or four times the nutritional value of regular chicken eggs. The health benefits of quail eggs extend to the high levels of protein and vitamins in them. Quail eggs have 13 percent protein and have 140 percent of the daily-recommended vitamin B1. Compare this to the 50 percent of vitamin B1 and 11 percent proteins that are found in chicken eggs. Quail eggs also contain five times the iron and potassium that chicken eggs do. Furthermore, the ovomucoid found in quail eggs is known to prevent the symptoms associated with allergies, hay fever and sinusitis. The health benefits typically associated with quail eggs include digestive improvement, immune system function, detoxification and combating disease. Quail eggs are naturally enhance the immune system, and children who eat them are less likely to acquire infectious diseases. Along with asthma, they are used to treat tuberculosis and diabetes. Quail eggs are also known for their ability to aid the digestive system. They are known to improve the quality of life for people with stomach ulcers as well as those with gallstones, kidney stones and liver stones. Quail eggs provide health benefits to the nervous system. They improve brain function and enhance memory as well as steady the nervous system. They help the circulatory system by allowing the body to create sufficient levels of hemoglobin, which enhances the health of anemia patients. Eating quail eggs can do more than benefit health and improve immune function; they also help increase metabolism. Many people associate quail eggs with improvements in skin tone and hair health. Men benefit from eating quail eggs because the phosphorous they contain helps prostate health. The vitamins and protein in quail eggs are also considered a sexual stimulant. How Quail Eggs Could Help Ease Rhinitis Symptoms? Chinese medical practitioners have used quail eggs for thousands of years to successfully combat allergies such as rhinitis, asthma, hay fever, spasmodic cough and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. More recently they have been used in Russia and Poland, and they are widely available from pharmacies in France, Switzerland and Germany. Now, at last, quail egg capsules have reached the UK. For more than 30 years, Mr. Driscoll, a retired bank official from Southend-On-Sea, suffered from continual rhinitis (inflammation of the lining of the nose). He was plagued by sneezing fits and a continually runny nose, which was so bad at times that he was getting through a couple of boxes of tissues a day. The problem had started in 1967 when Mr. Driscoll had a flu jab. His GP could not explain why the jab had triggered rhinitis - although clearly it had sensitized his immune system to some allergen. Over the years Mr. Driscoll's GP prescribed a variety of drugs and nasal sprays in an attempt to control his symptoms, but although some temporarily eased them nothing seemed to alleviate the condition completely. Then, three years ago Mr. Driscoll retired. That winter he was advised by the practice nurse at his local surgery to have a flu jab. He agreed, forgetting that this had been the cause of his problem originally. Within two to three weeks Mr. Driscoll's rhinitis was worse than ever. Even the prescription drugs no longer provided any relief. He was desperate. It was at this point that a friend who had travelled extensively in China told him about quail egg extract. Chinese medical practitioners have used the eggs for thousands of years to successfully combat allergies such as rhinitis, asthma, hay fever, spasmodic cough and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. More recently they have been used in Russia and Poland, and they are widely available from pharmacies in France, Switzerland and Germany. Now, at last, quail egg capsules have reached the UK. For more than 30 years, Mr. Driscoll, a retired bank official from Southend-On-Sea, suffered from continual rhinitis (inflammation of the lining of the nose). He was plagued by sneezing fits and a continually runny nose, which was so bad at times that he was getting through a couple of boxes of tissues a day. The problem had started in 1967 when Mr. Driscoll had a flu jab. His GP could not explain why the jab had triggered rhinitis - although clearly it had sensitized his immune system to some allergen. Over the years Mr. Driscoll's GP prescribed a variety of drugs and nasal sprays in an attempt to control his symptoms, but although some temporarily eased them nothing seemed to alleviate the condition completely. Then, three years ago Mr. Driscoll retired. That winter he was advised by the practice nurse at his local surgery to have a flu jab. He agreed, forgetting that this had been the cause of his problem originally. Within two to three weeks Mr. Driscoll's rhinitis was worse than ever. Even the prescription drugs no longer provided any relief. He was desperate. It was at this point that a friend who had travelled extensively in China told him about quail egg extract. Chinese medical practitioners have used the eggs for thousands of years to successfully combat allergies such as rhinitis, asthma, hay fever, spasmodic cough and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. More recently they have been used in Russia and Poland, and they are widely available from pharmacies in France, Switzerland and Germany. Now, at last, quail egg capsules have reached the UK. As you know, here at HSI we're committed to bringing you news on the very latest natural treatment breakthroughs that have been scientifically proven to have therapeutic benefits. However, every now and then we learn about a new natural product that hasn't been subjected to such rigorous clinical testing but which is supported by numerous anecdotal reports over many years. This certainly seems to be the case regarding lyophilized quail eggs. While more research is needed into the use of quail eggs for treating allergies, we feel that testimonies like those given by Mr. Driscoll are simply too strong to be ignored.
'I have continued to use quail eggs ever since and remain symptom-free' Mr. Driscoll managed to track down a supplier of quail egg capsules (containing lyophilized or freeze-dried extract), and he began taking four capsules every day with breakfast and lunch. Within a few weeks his symptoms had disappeared and, to his relief, they have never returned. Mr. Driscoll says: 'I have continued to take quail egg capsules ever since and remains symptom-free. Not many people know about lyophilized quail eggs, and I feel relieved I have discovered a 'cure' for my problem and one that doesn't have side effects.' It was Dr. R. C. Truffier from Rochefort, in France, who popularized the medicinal use of quail eggs in Western Europe. In the late 1960s, Dr. Truffier came across two patients with chronic asthma who appeared to have been 'cured' by eating raw quail eggs. So impressed was he that, after researching the use of quail eggs by the Chinese, Dr. Truffier began to treat a number of allergy-related conditions with immediate success. His findings are important as the number of people suffering from allergies has increased hugely in the last ten years.
Quail eggs are small speckled pearls that nature gives us. Since ancient times, this delicacy has been prized as a dietary and healing food. While quail eggs are so small (10-12 g), they are packed with many biologically active substances we need to be healthy. They are an abundant source of useful trace elements and vitamins. Their nutritional value is 3-4 times higher than that of chicken eggs. They contain 13% proteins while chicken eggs provide a bit more than 11%. Quail eggs contain 140 ìg vitamin B1 compared to 50 ìg in chicken eggs, and they contain twice as much vitamins A and B2. And quail eggs provide five times as much iron and potassium as chicken eggs. They also are richer in phosphorus and calcium.
Due to their amazing content, quail eggs are considered as a dietary food. The thing is quail eggs do not have “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and are very rich in “good” (HDL) cholesterol, so even seniors can eat them. Unlike chicken eggs, they do not cause allergy and diathesis. What’s more, they can help fight allergy symptoms due to the ovomucoid protein that is even used in the production of some antiallergic drugs. Regular consumption of quail eggs can help against many diseases.
Health Benefits of Quail EggsQuail eggs:
•are a remedy against digestive tract disorders such as gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
•can help cure anemia increasing hemoglobin level and remove toxins and heavy metals from blood.
•help in the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, diabetes and vegetative-vascular dystonia.
•have strong anticancer effects and may help inhibit cancerous growth.
•help eliminate and remove stones from liver, kidneys and gallbladder.
•may accelerate recuperation after blood stroke and help strengthen heart muscle.
•are a powerful stimulant of sexual potency. They nourish the prostrate gland with useful substances, phosphorus, proteins and vitamins and therefore help restore sexual potency in men.
•promote good memory, enhance brain activity and regulate the nervous system.
•strengthen the immune system slow down aging of organs and increase the life span.
•improve skin color and strengthen hair making it shiny and voluminous. That’s why quail eggs are used for facial and hair care masks.
If kids eat at least 2 quail eggs daily, they grow better and are less likely to suffer from infectious diseases.
How to Eat Quail Eggs: Already impressed by unbelievable quail eggs health benefits? If you want not just enjoy them but also promote your health, you’d better eat raw eggs after washing them in boiling water. You don’t have to be afraid of salmonellosis because the body temperature of quails is higher than that of chicken. Quail eggs are resistant to infections due to their increased content of lysozyme that kills harmful bacteria.
Note: It would be a good habit of eating 3-5 quail eggs each morning to create a strong immunity and improve metabolism. You will experience a lasting fit of energy and vigor. After 3-4 months of regular consumption of the eggs, you will see an improvement in our overall health..
Quail eggs are not a staple in the American diet, but they are prized for their many valuable health benefits. For centuries health practitioners in China have prescribed quail eggs skin conditions, asthma, sinus problems and cough. Quail eggs are gradually increasing in popularity throughout the West, but they are not available everywhere. For people who do not have access to fresh quail eggs, there are capsules online that will provide similar health benefits. Quail eggs contain three or four times the nutritional value of regular chicken eggs. The health benefits of quail eggs extend to the high levels of protein and vitamins in them. Quail eggs have 13 percent protein and have 140 percent of the daily-recommended vitamin B1. Compare this to the 50 percent of vitamin B1 and 11 percent proteins that are found in chicken eggs. Quail eggs also contain five times the iron and potassium that chicken eggs do. Furthermore, the ovomucoid found in quail eggs is known to prevent the symptoms associated with allergies, hay fever and sinusitis. The health benefits typically associated with quail eggs include digestive improvement, immune system function, detoxification and combating disease. Quail eggs are naturally enhance the immune system, and children who eat them are less likely to acquire infectious diseases. Along with asthma, they are used to treat tuberculosis and diabetes. Quail eggs are also known for their ability to aid the digestive system. They are known to improve the quality of life for people with stomach ulcers as well as those with gallstones, kidney stones and liver stones. Quail eggs provide health benefits to the nervous system. They improve brain function and enhance memory as well as steady the nervous system. They help the circulatory system by allowing the body to create sufficient levels of hemoglobin, which enhances the health of anemia patients. Eating quail eggs can do more than benefit health and improve immune function; they also help increase metabolism. Many people associate quail eggs with improvements in skin tone and hair health. Men benefit from eating quail eggs because the phosphorous they contain helps prostate health. The vitamins and protein in quail eggs are also considered a sexual stimulant. How Quail Eggs Could Help Ease Rhinitis Symptoms? Chinese medical practitioners have used quail eggs for thousands of years to successfully combat allergies such as rhinitis, asthma, hay fever, spasmodic cough and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. More recently they have been used in Russia and Poland, and they are widely available from pharmacies in France, Switzerland and Germany. Now, at last, quail egg capsules have reached the UK. For more than 30 years, Mr. Driscoll, a retired bank official from Southend-On-Sea, suffered from continual rhinitis (inflammation of the lining of the nose). He was plagued by sneezing fits and a continually runny nose, which was so bad at times that he was getting through a couple of boxes of tissues a day. The problem had started in 1967 when Mr. Driscoll had a flu jab. His GP could not explain why the jab had triggered rhinitis - although clearly it had sensitized his immune system to some allergen. Over the years Mr. Driscoll's GP prescribed a variety of drugs and nasal sprays in an attempt to control his symptoms, but although some temporarily eased them nothing seemed to alleviate the condition completely. Then, three years ago Mr. Driscoll retired. That winter he was advised by the practice nurse at his local surgery to have a flu jab. He agreed, forgetting that this had been the cause of his problem originally. Within two to three weeks Mr. Driscoll's rhinitis was worse than ever. Even the prescription drugs no longer provided any relief. He was desperate. It was at this point that a friend who had travelled extensively in China told him about quail egg extract. Chinese medical practitioners have used the eggs for thousands of years to successfully combat allergies such as rhinitis, asthma, hay fever, spasmodic cough and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. More recently they have been used in Russia and Poland, and they are widely available from pharmacies in France, Switzerland and Germany. Now, at last, quail egg capsules have reached the UK. For more than 30 years, Mr. Driscoll, a retired bank official from Southend-On-Sea, suffered from continual rhinitis (inflammation of the lining of the nose). He was plagued by sneezing fits and a continually runny nose, which was so bad at times that he was getting through a couple of boxes of tissues a day. The problem had started in 1967 when Mr. Driscoll had a flu jab. His GP could not explain why the jab had triggered rhinitis - although clearly it had sensitized his immune system to some allergen. Over the years Mr. Driscoll's GP prescribed a variety of drugs and nasal sprays in an attempt to control his symptoms, but although some temporarily eased them nothing seemed to alleviate the condition completely. Then, three years ago Mr. Driscoll retired. That winter he was advised by the practice nurse at his local surgery to have a flu jab. He agreed, forgetting that this had been the cause of his problem originally. Within two to three weeks Mr. Driscoll's rhinitis was worse than ever. Even the prescription drugs no longer provided any relief. He was desperate. It was at this point that a friend who had travelled extensively in China told him about quail egg extract. Chinese medical practitioners have used the eggs for thousands of years to successfully combat allergies such as rhinitis, asthma, hay fever, spasmodic cough and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. More recently they have been used in Russia and Poland, and they are widely available from pharmacies in France, Switzerland and Germany. Now, at last, quail egg capsules have reached the UK. As you know, here at HSI we're committed to bringing you news on the very latest natural treatment breakthroughs that have been scientifically proven to have therapeutic benefits. However, every now and then we learn about a new natural product that hasn't been subjected to such rigorous clinical testing but which is supported by numerous anecdotal reports over many years. This certainly seems to be the case regarding lyophilized quail eggs. While more research is needed into the use of quail eggs for treating allergies, we feel that testimonies like those given by Mr. Driscoll are simply too strong to be ignored.
'I have continued to use quail eggs ever since and remain symptom-free' Mr. Driscoll managed to track down a supplier of quail egg capsules (containing lyophilized or freeze-dried extract), and he began taking four capsules every day with breakfast and lunch. Within a few weeks his symptoms had disappeared and, to his relief, they have never returned. Mr. Driscoll says: 'I have continued to take quail egg capsules ever since and remains symptom-free. Not many people know about lyophilized quail eggs, and I feel relieved I have discovered a 'cure' for my problem and one that doesn't have side effects.' It was Dr. R. C. Truffier from Rochefort, in France, who popularized the medicinal use of quail eggs in Western Europe. In the late 1960s, Dr. Truffier came across two patients with chronic asthma who appeared to have been 'cured' by eating raw quail eggs. So impressed was he that, after researching the use of quail eggs by the Chinese, Dr. Truffier began to treat a number of allergy-related conditions with immediate success. His findings are important as the number of people suffering from allergies has increased hugely in the last ten years.
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