Health Benefits
Mangos have a good number of
health benefits
that many people don't know about. The sweet and fragrant
fruit promotes healthy digestion. They also have large amounts of fiber
to aid in regularity and the prevention of constipation. Mangos
also lower cholesterol and help in fighting some cancers.
Vitamins and Minerals
Mangos have several key nutrients your body needs. Vitamin C fights off colds and illness. Vitamins A and E protect against
free radicals,
while vitamin A also strengthens bone growth as well. Iron enriches the
blood and promotes healthy cells. Potassium maintains proper balance in
the body's fluids, helps with nerve function and aids in muscle
contraction. Other nutrients include omega-3 and 6, vitamin B6 and
copper. The peel is usually not eaten due to its tough and bitter taste,
but it provides high concentrations of the nutrients.
Culinary Benefits
One of the most interesting things you can do with mangos is cook
with them. Many cultures add mangos into their cuisines as chutneys,
sauces and specialty desserts. Mangos are also used to balance out salty
and spicy
Healthy Snacks
Snacking is a big problem when dieting. You may lose track of your
diet goals because of snacking on the wrongs foods. Replace chocolates
or other sweets with an ice cold mango. This fruit has between 100 to
140 calories depending on the size and ripeness. The more ripe it is the
higher the calories due to the natural sugars. Also drink mangos in
smoothies as a cool summer drink or add sliced mango to fruit salads.
Only add fat free milk or low fat plain yogurt to smoothies. This will
help lower the fat content.
Storing Mangos
In order to maintain the freshness and flavor of your mangos, store
them in a refrigerator after ripening them at room temperature. Eat them
within five days of refrigeration for the best flavor. Also
store mangos for up to a year in a freezer. It's recommended that you
peel, cut the mango into slices and freeze on a cookie sheet uncovered
before putting the frozen slices into a container. Make sure to put them
in an airtight storage container or plastic bag. Do this to prevent
freezer burn and other food flavors from contaminating the fruit. Enjoy
mangos any time of the year.
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