because the full positive impacts of the modest achievements by
President Jonathan are yet to be felt nationwide, it appears that the
message of “change” from APC is resonating with the masses.
Politics, according to cynics, is a dirty game. Many Nigerians tend
to accept that negative characterisation of politics and politicking
without question. However, in my view, Aristotle’s depiction of politics
as the endeavour for the noblest of human beings is nearer the truth
than the cynical standpoint. Briefly defined, politics is the
authoritative allocation of power to make decisions and implement them
within a geopolitical space.
In both democratic and aristocratic or authoritarian systems, a tiny
minority or group exercises political power by determining the nature
and structure of governance for the vast majority of the population.
Therefore, since political institutions evolved mainly to promote the
well-being of members of the society over whom political authority is
exercised, it is extremely important to create transparent processes
for selecting the noblest of minds for political office.
Unfortunately, human beings have not invented foolproof reliable
method which would guarantee that the best individuals would always
emerge as leaders. Indeed, perfect implementation of the
recommendations by Plato and other political philosophers cannot
occlude the possibility that political power might be in the hands of
men and women of inferior intellectual, emotional, and moral quality.
The impossibility of creating perfect socio-political institutions
that can guarantee that only the most suitable would occupy political
offices entails that individuals should channel their creative energies
towards constructing democratic institutions in their respective
countries capable of minimising the repercussions of bad leadership.
According to the Austrian-born British philosopher, Karl Popper, this is
achievable only through periodic elections.
Democracy is not an ideal political system, but it is preferable to
other arrangements because it allows members of the society to play
some role in selecting those that would lead them for a specified
period. Like other non-authoritarian countries, Nigeria is still
trying to create a viable democratic process appropriate for her
historical experiences and developmental needs.
Of course, the 2015 elections are crucial in this respect because,
if conducted successfully, that would go a long way to consolidate the
modest progress made since 1999. On the other hand, if politicians
derail the process because of inordinate desperation for power, it
would be another disappointing case of “hope deferred.”
The presidential contest between the two frontrunners, Dr.
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, has brought to the
fore once again the perennial problem of selecting political leaders in
a fledgling democracy. The All Progressives Congress (APC) on whose
platform Gen. Buhari is contesting has mounted vuvuzela-sounding
campaigns with the sole purpose of dislodging the ruling Peoples
Democratic Party (PDP) from power.
In fact, the heat and tension from APC was so palpable that many
Nigerians became too pessimistic and apprehensive about what would
happen next. Despite the unnecessary threats by Gen. Buhari and his
cohorts, the presidential and gubernatorial elections have been
postponed; tension has gone down somewhat, although there is still a
sense of foreboding because of ferocious propaganda by the major two
A disturbing product of the vociferous APC campaign machine is
Buharimania, that is, worshipful support bothering on religious and
cultic excitement for Buhari by a section of the Nigerian population
especially in the North, coupled with fanatic belief that APC can
deliver positive change in the country if Buhari wins the election.
It would take a lengthy treatise drawing on the resources of psychology,
sociology and contemporary Nigerian political history to explain in
details the provenance of Buharimania.
It must be pointed out, however, that Buharimania is a phenomenon
rooted in devotion to and uncritical preference for a retired
military dictator with a reputation for rigidity, integrity and honesty
over a well-educated, humble and methodical democrat with an easy going
disposition towards governance. The danger here is that wily APC
kingpins can exploit it to foment trouble if the party loses the
elections. Understandably, the propaganda machine of APC deliberately
suppresses President Jonathan’s achievements by continuously
denigrating his administration.
It projects Gen. Buhari as the only presidential candidate with
the capacity to eliminate corruption, mount a decisive fight against
insecurity, and promote economic development. In addition, the party
has been working hard to minimise the collateral political damage that
Gen. Buhari’s image as an inflexible, not so well educated, ageing
military dictator with outdated understanding of economic
management might cause it in the general elections.
Now, because the full positive impacts of the modest
achievements by President Jonathan are yet to be felt nationwide, it
appears that the message of “change” from APC is resonating with the
masses. But a closer look at the antecedents of APC leaders reveals
that the gospel of change is fundamentally unrealisable and illusory, a
desperate attempt to exploit the hopes, aspirations and anxieties of
Nigerians to wrest the highest political office from the ruling party.
Unscrupulous conservative politicians who benefited immeasurably from
the corrupt system they helped to create and impose on Nigerians
dominate the top echelons of the party. In order to substantiate my
claim, I will embark on a systematic deconstruction of Buharimania
and APC’s desperate quest for power. My main argument is that the
party, as presently constituted and managed, cannot deliver
sustainable meaningful change to Nigerians.
For starters, consider the major figures in APC. The arrowhead of the
party is Gen. Buhari, who pledged in 2011 never to contest for any
political office after the election held that year. Now the question
is: why did the retired general renege on that promise, especially
considering his hyperbolic reputation as a man who keeps his word? Was
the change of mind motivated by strong desire to get even with
President Jonathan who defeated him in the 2011 presidential election
or was it necessitated by messianic delusion about being the only one
capable of addressing the hydra-headed problems facing the country
presently? Why did he succumb to the opportunistic persuaders desperate
for political survival and relevance at all cost?
In my opinion, Gen. Buhari’s decision to contest again and failure
to mentor a younger and better-educated politician to political
prominence as his successor after losing the presidential election
thrice are indicative of a man obsessively preoccupied with power. Bola
Tinubu’s argument that Gen. Buhari had to be drafted into
the presidential election because countries at crossroads in the past
were rescued from perdition by their army generals is, to put it
mildly, ludicrous and historically inaccurate. Moreover, in Africa
particularly, military intervention in politics has had a detrimental
effect on the economic and socio-political development of several
countries, to the extent that coup d’états are detested everywhere.
Therefore, it is plainly unrealistic to believe that seventy-three
years old Gen. Buhari who three decades ago presided over the most
draconian military regime in Nigerian history has suddenly completely
mutated into an apostle of democratic change. APC chieftains know
that old habits die hard, and that it is harder still for a
conservative Muslim and former soldier like Gen. Buhari to change so
dramatically. Keep in mind that one of the reasons Gen. Ibrahim
Babangida gave for overthrowing Gen. Buhari was that the latter was
too rigid and opinionated to preside over a multiply plural country like
Nigeria. Thus, I am not sure that APC’s presidential candidate has
developed the degree of emotional intelligence required to navigate
successfully the treacherous landscape of Nigerian politics.
Several kingpins of APC have held, and are still holding various
public offices. Yet there is very little to show that the era of
“business as usual” has ended. For instance, in APC controlled states,
the problems of bloated cabinet, overconcentration of development in the
urban centres to the detriment of the rural areas, emasculation of
local governments, cronyism, and financial rascality are still rampant.
Meanwhile, a sizeable number of prominent APC members were formerly
in PDP. It would be surprising if Nigerians have not recognised yet
the hypocrisy in chieftains of APC welcoming enthusiastically
renegades from the very party they have been disparaging and criticising
for years. Perhaps, Tinubu and others are too desperate for power
and would do anything to get it, and their criticisms of PDP might
stem from jealousy towards a party that has dominated the political
space since 1999. Whatever might be the case, frankly there is very
little to show that APC can be trusted as the vehicle of positive
change in the country if its candidates win the election
Monday, 9 March 2015
Douglas Anele: The APC cannot deliver meaningful change to Nigerians, I’ll explain
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