Monday, 3 August 2015


geeky_babe: Hi everyone, I discovered a lot of people have been asking for solutions, remedies and cure for ulcer. I have some tips and advise to give as regards that.

I have had ulcer for almost 6years now, and I can tell u its not been funny. Vomiting, stooling with blood, intense pains overnight, chronic heartburn, etc.

Recently I started a few natural remedies, and I have felt relief that I've never known in my life. And now I know that the end of ulcer is here!

There are a few things u should know. I have seen a lot of doctors, and I can tell u, they all prescribe the same things. Antacids, antibiotics(flagyl, amoxicillin, cimetidine, etc) or a combination of d two with omeprazole tablets (meprasil, rabeprazole, ulcertret, omez, etc). Some prescribe Ulcer kits. Its the same combination( pyrox combi, ulsa-kit, etc). They usually prescribe dis for 2wks or less, depending on the intensity of the pain.

I have taken all this medications a number of times, and though it may provide relief for a while, it doesn't cure the ulcer. The worst part is the adverse effects of taking this strong antibiotics(e.g flagyl) which leads to stomach pain, vomiting, dehydration, loss of appetite and all. Attimes it could get so bad that u just have to stop them. All this things av their own effects on the body, its more complex for us females as I discovered it affects my cycle attimes.

After a while, maybe a month or 2, d pain comes back and u begin the treatment again. Its crazy I tell u.

Anyways, here are a few remedies that every ulcer patient must know especially when pain becomes recurrent:
1. Stop taking fried foods( fried meat or fish, plantain etc) or too oily meals (fried rice).
2. Stay away from spicy foods( suya, pepper soup, etc)
3. Stay away from hard. And crunchy snacks ( plantain chips, potato chips etc)
4. Avoid carbonated drinks! ( Coke, malt, sprite la casera, etc). They cause a lot of pain for an ulcer patient. Take plenty of water instead, or drink youghurt.
5. Avoid mint sweets (lemon plus, peppermint, tom-tom and the likes). Also don't take garri, or rough meals like eba.

Here are some healthy things you should do.
1. Take plenty of water. Take at least a litre of water every morning when u wake up. Thus helps to dilute the acid your stomach may av secreted over nite.
2. Eat swallows more with draw soup, (ewedu, okro, etc less of egusi)
3. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. E.g bananas, apples, watermelon, avocado, cucumber, carrots and cabbage. ORANGES ARE NOT GOOD FOR ULCER PATIENTS.
4. If u can get apple cider vinegar(ACV), its good for heartburns and ulcer too. Just add like 2tablespoons of it into a glass of water. It gives relief. Research just showed dat antacids are not too good for heartburns.
5. Eat in bits. A little at a time, so ur stomach can digest it in bits. Always av snacks like biscuits, banana, with you if u know in case you are hungry.
6. Too much of some nuts, may cause pains. (E.g groudnut, walnut, cashew nuts.) NEVER eat ROASTED CORN. Its rough and can cause the ulcer to bleed, hence causing pain.

I did some research online, and I found a few natural remedies.
1. Grate like 8 unripe plantains in 4-5litres of water in a keg. Let it ferment for at least 48hrs. Take a cup at least 3 or 4 times a day, in the morning afternoon and night, and before u sleep. Its preferable if u take it an hour before meals. I have been using this particular therapy and its working wonders! Take it for like 3weeks or so. It has no side effects that I av seen so far, just adhere to d normal ulcer do's and donts.
2. Cabbage juice has been found to heal ulcers too. I tried it but couldn't tolerate it for long cos it was making me feel like vomiting. Heard its good if u blend with carrot and drink. Its should be taken instantly for best results. Don't store d juice in a fridge. It can make u stool a little, but it worked well when I used it.
3. While this natural remedies are good, it doesn't mean you should stay away from your doctor. Make sure you have a doctor that's monitoring you.

Most of all, its all this things I av written require discipline. There is nothing like a peaceful mind too. Worry less, and stay stress free. Then trust God for a good health cause he is the one who gives health and peace!
I hope i have helped quite a number of people with this. Thanks. I would reply to any questions u have.
vision06: No 1)
From experience, avoid the intake of anything hot - hot tea/coffee, food, etc. Some people are addicted to a hot cup of tea/coffe first thing in the morning - just like me. I had to stop it! Avoid anything that is 'too' hot down your tommy. Take like 2 glasses of cold (not necessarily iced) water when you wake up in the morning. Drink plenty of water too during the day. Avoid anything that is 'too' hot down your tommy. I am sure you will see positive changes.

No 2)
Get unripe banana like six.
Peel them open and slice in small pieces.
Put them in a tray and sun-dry.
Once properly dried, grind to powder.
Dish a spoonful into a cup and mix it with half can of Evaporated milk..
Drink morning after breakfast and at bedtime.
You will testify in Jesus name.
u guys r d best, I mean d bestest, I'd an attack few days ago and I almost took procane in ma veins 2 commit suicide and give maself a big rest. U can't imagine how mine is, m d frail, fragile dude in ma family all tanx 2 ulcer and d last time I counted, I'v visited like 6 fed hospitals, 8 state hospitals and atleast 15 private hospitals and clinics amongst odas, did I mention seeking traditional help?, etc. Is it d bleeding, and every little mistake, u'll b damn sick. I became a nuisance cos I was often sick. I pray diz works and I'll start on it ASAP. U guys can add me up so I can b asking questions everyday. 275DEBF1........incase u aint on BBM 07031591790(watsapp). Anybody can add me if u have any useful help 2 render. I wish diz 'll come 2 an end now cos everybody wants me 2 add weight and look well and I'v been in diz 4 atleast 12years and m just 23 so whr's d fun in ma life? I need help and I need it FAST. Bless y'all.
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