1. STOMACH ULCER:- Get some unripe pawpaw fruits and cut to pieces. Boil all (the seeds and cover included) in a pot with water. Filter out the boiled pawpaw after two days. Take half glass three times daily. Use only when it is warm.
2. IMPOTENCE:- Get whole unripe pawpaw into pieces, boil and take half glass (liquid only) two times daily.
3. ASTHMA:- Inhale smoke from dried pawpaw leaves during attack.
4. MALARIA:- Take half glass of infusion of yellow pawpaw leaves three times daily.
5. PILE:- Get some quantities of pawpaw roots, boil in a pot with water. Take half glass (liquid only) four times daily. Insert into the anus after each defecation mixture of dried powder pawpaw with Freshdew.
6. ULCER:- Cut some fruits of unripe pawpaw fruits. Soak in a clean water for few days and take half glass (liquid only) three times daily.
7. COUGH:- Chew and swallow the liquid from tender pawpaw roots every three hours.
8. JAUNDICE:- Infuse some quantities of unripe pawpaw fruits for few days. Take half glass (liquid only) three times daily.
9. EPILEPSY:- Grind dried pawpaw leaves into powder and mix with palm kernel oil or shell, butter. Use as body cream regularly.
10. CONVULSION:- Use as stated above for epilepsy.
11. WORM:- Chew a handful of ripe pawpaw seeds on empty stomach in the morning to kill and expel any worm in the stomach.
12. IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION:- Grind dried pawpaw seeds and mix with lemon juice. Take quarter glass two times daily.
13. TUBERCULOSIS:- Chew and swallow a handful of ripe pawpaw seeds with garlic two times daily and mixture of ginger and bitter kola in a bottle of honey. Take a table spoonful morning and evening.
14. STOMACHACHE:- Mix equal quantities of white juice of unripe pawpaw and honey. Dilute two spoonful in a glass of water two to three times daily.
15. CONSTIPATION:- Squeeze a handful of pawpaw leaves in a glass of water and take for quick relieve.
Thursday, 23 October 2014

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