Monday, 16 June 2014


My husband Charles started going to the doctor in 1993 with pain all over his body, having trouble sleeping and other various symptoms. The top neurologist at UC Irvine Medical Center thought that he had polyneuropathy, along with an immune disease. He experimented on him with different drug therapy like neurotrin, oxycontin, gamma goblin injections and a procedure that tested his nerve endings. Finally, after about 4 years of many doctors collaborating on his condition he was sent to a specialist at UCLA Medical Center and a doctor there dignosed him with Fibromyalgia, interestingly enough the doctor also had Fibromyalgia. For the longest time Charles was on several meds including pain killers, anti-depressants and sleeping pills none which seemed to help the pain go away but masked the situation. He went many years on and off meds because of the side effects and the brain fog effect they had on him.

Fibromyalgia is known to have flu like symptoms with aches & pains all over the body which have a drastic affect on sleeping, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome. His energy level was very unstable with many days barely being able to get out of bed much less function at a normal level. He was retired with his medical condition in 1997.

Charles had never drank coffee in his life and at 58 years old was given a sample to the OrGano Gold Mocha. He loved it and has faithfully in the last two weeks continued to drink the Mocha, has incorporated the Gourmet Black Coffee and has taken the 100% Organic Ganoderma Lucidum  capsules (3-4 times a day). Amazingly, Charles pain has toned down to a more manageable level, he's also getting through the night without waking up from pain - resulting in better nights rest and has had less episodes of chronic fatigue. Currently Charles is not on any medication for Fibromyalgia and we owe all the praise to the wonderful OrGano Gold products. I am so happy to see my husband in better health with more energy and now able to share a cup of OrGano Gold with him.

Sylvia B.- Bend, Oregon

Celia (Cece) Parker is a very pleasant women who happens to have Down Syndrome and be my sister. She is a happy, loving and warm person. We are getting ready to celebrate our twelfth anniversary of living together, so you can imagine how well we know each other. If you have ever seen the movie Ground Hog Day, that is our life with Cece. Every day is predictable and she lives mostly in the moment. Meaning she doesn't talk about the past and doesn't talk about the future. Every morning when I wake her up, she says the same thing to me, hugs me the same way and so on and so on.

Until Sunday May 31st. 2009, sixteen days after she started taking #801 OG Ganoderma capsules. That is when my sister stopped me in my tracks.

In the past there have been incidences at our house. I knew from past experience that Cece was the culprit. When asked if she had done something like empty a whole box of tissues into the garbage or unroll and throw away three rolls of toilet paper in less than two hours, she usually will say no. If she does say yes she did it, she is not able to tell us why she did it. Some times when I am looking at her, you can see how bad she wants to be able to explain, but nothing comes out of her, the words just are not there. Well things changed that day. When I asked her if she was responsible for an incident, she said with out hesitation "yes, I did it last Friday after work, I told Andy" Andy is my boyfriend. When I said what did you just say, she repeated it clear as day. The fact that it was just about forty eight hours after the fact and not only did she remember and admit to it, but was able to articulate so clearly, it blow me away. I will never forget the feeling of seeing my sister at forty years old communicate at a level which she had never experienced ever before. She even looked stunned and proud of herself. Needless to say all was forgotten. Cece and I ended up high fiving and I kept telling her how proud I was of her.

Ten days later on the 10th of June she was talking on the phone to a friend. Her friend and her conversations usually consist of saying the same words over and over. Her friend loves swimming and even if it is Christmas eve, he will ask if her swimming pool is open and she will say yes, even though it is not. So when he asked this time she said no and she was right. Then she said to her friend "Greg, I will see you next Wednesday at the Vaughn Center" Andy and I both looked at each other in disbelief. When she hung up I asked her "what did you just say to Greg" her response was "By Greg". She was not able to go back to the sentence, but the fact that she had said it was so phenomenal.

With Cece, she would have bad days and good days. Bad days being, obsessive, obsessive, compulsive behavior, problems communicating or understanding simple directives or tasks, and some times just a plain blank stare on her face. Those days seem to be behind us now as we have not experienced one for quite some time.

Call this what you want, but I call it a gift. The fact that all of these situations happened since she started taking the Ganoderma Capsules, at a time in her life when it is normal for a Downs Syndrome person to start to slow down and regress, size it up for yourself. With the Grace of God and the fact we have now switched her to the Organic Ganoderma Spores we can't wait to see what happens next with Cece.

Connie Parker - Aurora, IL


For over 10 years, various Dr.'s have thought that I have MS. With multiple symptoms from pains,numbness to tremors, and many tests from CAT scans to MRI'S, it has been a long 10 years of seeing my body in a process of decay. In fact, 10 years ago, I began exercising and eating healthier to try and stop the degeneration, yet the decline in health has continued. The beginning of March, 2009, a friend told me about a healthier coffee. Being a coffee fanatic, and having tried quiting dozens of times, and with these MS symptoms, I was very open to trying something that might be good for me. The results have been amazing, and like the posts before me, the story keeps changing. My distance vision has gotten markedly better, I am thinking more clearly, no more afternoon dives after the coffee wears off, and my right forearm after 6 mos of almost non-use, is now "working" again... thank the Lord! I also have bronchial issues that have been helped tremendously "coincidentally" by the ganoderma in the coffee. Another side benefit was losing 4-5 lbs. the first week of drinking the coffee. Having felt this way for so long and feeling 57 (I am 47), it is such a wonderful experience to actually feel my body go in a healthier direction, simply by drinking this OrGano Gold coffee. Thank you OrGano Gold!!

Bill Thompson - Earlville, IL


When we got our first samples of OrGano Gold coffee, my wife suggested that she make us some to see what it was like. In a few minutes, she brought the coffee to my office and we sat and drank it together. We liked the taste, discussed it a bit, then went on with our day. About 30 minutes later Audrey appeared in my office doorway with a rather strange look on her face. Her statement was, “I don’t hurt. You don’t think the coffee could have anything to do with it, do you?” You see, she has some rather severe arthritis, and on days like that one, she usually hurts all over, especially in her joints, and here she was, having taken nothing else, claiming she had no pain! Boy, what’s that worth? It has turned out that it was the coffee, or rather the Ganoderma in the coffee, that was giving her such terrific relief.

We have since discovered that not only does the Ganoderma take away he pain, but it is also beginning to help in other areas. Last night she discovered that her vision had improved a great deal. I’m having the same results with vision, too. The results just keep showing up.

Being a “little older”, I have the typical prostrate issues as most men my age. Not anymore! Thank you Ganoderma. Along with that terrific benefit, I have discovered renewed energy. The other day, while working at my desk, I was really having a problem staying awake. To my embarrassment, I woke up while still sitting bolt upright. We had been running for the previous two days with little sleep, and normally I would have been just about worthless for the day, until I could recover some of my lost sleep. This time I made myself a cup of coffee, and within 10 minutes was wide awake, alert, and worked through the rest of the day, up til I quit at 10pm, and never gave being tired another thought. Thanks again, Ganoderma!

My mother-in-law, whom will be 87 in July, is showing signs of slowing significantly. To be expected, right? Well not anymore. We gave her some coffee to try, and the next morning, she was telling Audrey that already that morning she had cleaned both her bathrooms, the kitchen, and was getting ready to do the rest of her home. She claimed that she was really feeling great and had “been zipping around getting all kinds of things done already” that morning. Audrey asked her if she had tried the coffee. She replied that she had, but hadn’t made the connection. She is so delighted with her new found energy, that she tells everyone that will listen about her “new” coffee.

There is not a day that goes by that we don’t hear some amazing testimonials as to the benefits people have received from our Ganoderma based beverages. We are totally thrilled to be part of a business that is bringing real health gains for themselves, their friends and customers. Being senior citizens, it is a wonderful feeling to be able to help others our age feel good again.

All the best,
Mike and Audrey Willett - DeKalb, IL


I first tried OrGano Gold on March 24th, 2009. I did not try it with the expectation of helping me in any health related area, I simply wanted to see how it tasted because I don’t care how healthy it is, if it does not taste good, I will not drink it period!

Well, I had been having some minor difficulty with a slightly enlarged prostate gland which caused me to get up generally at least once per night to use the bathroom in addition to a “weak stream”. I noticed after about 8 days, that I was not getting up anymore during the night and at the risk of embarrassing myself, my “stream” was not as weak as it was prior to this 8 days – I now feel like a 25 year old when I “go”! Further, not that I really was on a quest to lose weight, I lost 4 Lbs. in one week!

My wife, Wendy, had been dealing with high blood pressure at pre-hypertension levels for the past couple of years off and on. She called me one day when I was at Wal-Mart picking up a few items and I thought she was just adding to her list. Lo and behold, she called because she was excited that she had just checked her BP with our home BP kit and it was 121 over 78. Since all she had changed in her routine was start drinking OG coffee and forego any other caffeinated products, she attributed it to the coffee and the Ganoderma extract within the coffee but, one day does not make a good litmus test. She has since checked her BP every day for over a week since and it is seemingly regulated on a consistent basis at around 120 over 80 which is perfectly normal levels and she is ecstatic!

We know we cannot claim that it was the coffee that did the trick(s), but all we know is that drinking OG coffee is the only thing that changed within our routines!

John & Wendy Spencer - Sugar Grove, IL


For over three weeks I had been suffering with extreme pain in my upper left thigh down to my knee। I had been seeing my chiropractor for six adjustments thinking that would help. Easter Sunday morning I was in such excrutiating pain in my left hip that I wondered how I could possibly drive out to our son Bill's farmette for our family gathering. By the time we got to Earlville some 55 mi. away, I could hardly walk into their house. I hardly greeted anyone and headed straight for their recliner chair with my heated black massager pad. The heat started helping but what REALLY helped was a new kind of coffee Bill gave me. When I walked through the door he said, "Mom, I have just what you need!" And do you know, within 20 minutes, the pain had completely left me! It was like a miracle had taken place! When I got home that night I learned from Maria, one of our renters, that she and her friend had prayed for me as we drove away. Now, no matter if it was prayer or the help of this special coffee, it drove away the pain for the rest of the day. I was even able to sleep pain-free all that night - this, from just having had 2 cups of latte cafe which I had at Bill's. To think I had had this sharp muscular pain for 2 weeks and having had 6 chiropractor appointments to no avail - NOW with just 2 cups of the Latte with Ganoderma mushroom on Easter Sunday, my pain was gone! It was like "helping a beggar know where to find bread!"

Betty Thompson - Wheaton, IL


3 days after I began drinking the healthy coffee I went on a 725 mile one-day trip with my 18 year old son. We left at 6:15 am and got home at 9:15 pm, all after getting only 4.5 hours of sleep the night before. I had no trouble getting up at 5:30 am that morning and didn’t feel tired at all that very long day. Also, I have had poor circulation to my ankles and when I used to awake in the morning, my feet would be a bit sore. Now after drinking the Organo Gold Healthy Coffee, I have no more foot pain and it is easier to wake up each morning. I also notice that I have more stamina throughout the entire day. This coffee is amazing!

To order for this product call +2348068808564


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  1. Nice post......Fibromyalgia is frequently associated with psychiatric conditions such as depression and anxiety and stress-related disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder.Acupuncture In Lutherville Maryland



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