Sunday, 6 April 2014

SMALL BUT MIGHTY (The Quail’s egg

That night my old man had come home only to ask me if I knew about Quail known as Àparò in yoruba and Quail farm,i replied No. Then he told me to make some research on it. Immediately I got to work and what I saw left my mouth agape. Why haven’t I heard of this before? Oh my! Quail Farm especially the eggs are of great importance. Thank God! After telling him what I found out he replied by telling me he already ordered for some. But when the eggs were brought, my mouth was left opened again, After all I’ve read about the eggs were small in size and as well ugly compared to the normal chicken eggs. And if you love chicken eggs but scared of eating them because of their high content of cholesterol, then be happy! Here is another alternative and even more benficial to the body. I hope you will like Quail eggs after reading part of what I found out below, enjoy xox :
Quail egg (eyin Àparò) is a warehouse of nutrients and therapeutic tools. Compared with chicken eggs in one gram of quail contain more vitamins: A – 2.5 times, B1 – 2.8 and V2 – into-2 ,2-fold. In Five quail eggs by weight equal to one chicken in the 5-fold higher levels of phosphorus and potassium in 4,5 times – iron. Significantly greater in the eggs of quails copper, cobalt, limiting and other amino acids.
The content of essential amino acids such as tyrosine, threonine, lysine, glycine and histidine, quail eggs are superior chicken. Tirazin, is known to play a significant role in the metabolism and promotes the formation of the pigment that causes the color of healthy skin (glowing skin). That is why the quail eggs are used in the cosmetic industry. Quail eggs are a concentrated set of necessary human biological materials.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, particularly gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, gastritis,
- Anemia;
- Severe headaches
- chronic pneumonia
- Bronchial asthma
- Tubercular intoxication
- Increases resistance to radiation exposure;

- Derivation of radionuclides from the body ;
- High or low blood pressure;
- Violation of digestion
- Anemia;
- Disorder of the nervous system
- Allergy;
- Sensitivity to OCR;
- Increase sexual potency;
- Pregnancy in weak women is much easier to prevent disruption of fruit soften toxemia ;
- Diseases eye
- For bodybuilders this unique tool to increase the protein in the body, because the egg is absorbed by 80%, while taking in large amounts (more than 10 pieces) does not cause diathesis.
They are tasty and nutritious , and ne ver do not cause allergies or side effects (diathesis), even for those peoyple that eggs are contraindicated. Eat each
morning, 3-5 of these wonderful eggs, pearls, and then you will feel burst of energy for the day. And after 3-4 months of daily use eggs, you see how your health is much stronger. Quail eggs
do not cause allergies, and vice versa – a positive cure it. In the kitchen this valuable natural healing and miracle product, you can use for the preparation of many dishes such as omelets, salads, appetizers, fried eggs, pastries and others.

They are useful to use (the raw), half an hour before a meal, washed down with water or juice (we do mix the raw with honey here). Acceptance should be systematic, uninterrupted, for 3-4 months. Just a fortnight begins to manifest their beneficial effects on the body. If an individual can not drink the eggs domeshivat advise them raw in the porridge, mashed potatoes or soup. You can cook eggs.


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