Saturday, 1 February 2014

Instructions Raising Quail

  • Choose a breed. There are several types of quail readily available to purchase. The most popular is the Bobwhite, because it is very social and lays large quantities of eggs on a regular basis. Coturnix quail are raised for their eggs specifically to sell to restaurants and markets. The Chukar quail is common for hunting and lays 40 to 50 eggs in one summer season. The Chukar quail is common in England, the Hawaiian Islands and New Zealand. The Chukar is one of the easiest quail to keep and breed in captivity.
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    Buy or make housing. Quail require little space to live. Common quail housing is rectangular with wire walls and bottom and a solid roof to protect from sun and rain. The housing should be able to keep out all predators, including raccoons, foxes, and rats. Some housing without floors can allow rats and other burrowing animals to dig their way inside of the cage and kill the quail. It is important to maintain the pens and check them regularly for signs of wear and to ensure it is secure for the birds.

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