gathers that bitter kola is a potent antibiotic, which could be effective in the treatment of many ailments and infections.“Bitter kola has lots of health benefits, like the treatment of cough, sneezing, cold, diarrhoeas, tuberculosis, bacterial infection and fever.
“It improves lungs function by expanding the alveolar ducts and sac in the lungs thereby improving and strengthening the fibres in the lung tissue.”
Bitter Kola has so many other benefits. If you have bitter kola in your pocket, no snake will come near you no matter the kind of forest you enter. If it is in your pocket or you are chewing it. It drives away snakes, scorpions. It makes one go hungry. If you have difficulty eating, chew a bitter kola, you will start feeling hungry. Of course, you know that no one can be poisoned through bitter kola. It is endless.
Bitter kola has no effects on the body unlike other antiboitics like penecilin, amoxicilin, ciprofloroxacin, erythamicin and so ,any of them. Bitter kola could have been a very expensive antibiotics if it wasnt natural.A lot has been said about Garcinia Bitter Kola but also much more is yet to be revealed about this wonderful gift to nature. This tropical plant has the ability repel snake within a distance of about 300 meters radius and when in contact has ability to a demobilize or out rightly kill a snake. Here it is found that one of the must powerful anti snake poison is found. It is also has the ability to correct the liver the heart ant the organs.
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