Bitter leaf offers many
health benefits including but not limited to blood sugar regulation,
helping with repair of the pancreas and may also help reduce the risk of
breast cancer amongst other things. Nigeria is blessed to have bitter
leaf growing any and everywhere. It is among the cheapest vegetables or
herbs you can buy. As such, there is absolutely no reason not to
incorporate it into your diet. Here is a quick run-down of thirteen
major health benefits of adding bitter leaf to your diet.
Read more: https://www.naij.com/634320-13-reasons-eating-bitter-leaf.html
This kind of leaf is very familiar to some
people but others may not have any idea about this wonder leaf.
Bitter-leaf can grow anywhere unlike other leaves that only grow in
certain places and temperature. These leaves flourishes anywhere they
grow. They add beauty to all places where they are present. The most
distinctive characteristic of this plant is its bitterness. Every part
of this plant is bitter starting from the leaves to its roots. The
bitterness of this plant is actually good for the body. It has a lot of
health benefits to people. The plant can remind people that life is not
always sweet; it takes to taste bitterness before you can achieve
sweetness. This plant is very useful in toning the vital organs of the
body especially the liver and the kidney.
The liver is one of
the most important organs of the body. It has a lot of vital functions
that is needed for normal functioning of the whole system of the body.
Without the liver all major process in the body will be paralyze. The
liver is known as the largest organ inside the body. It has an
approximate weight of 1-3 kg in an average adult individual. There are a
lot of major functions that the liver should do every day and this
includes the production of bile acid that helps in fat metabolism.
the liver fats will not be digested inside the body to be use as
energy. Bitter-leaf can be very helpful in maintaining the livers
optimum health to release bile acid every time people eat fatty foods.
Another major function of the liver is the production of glycogen.
Glycogen is stored energy that is release in times of low level of
glucose especially for people who do fasting.
The liver should
be well taken care of by using bitter-leaf. Once the liver is been
damage it can’t be restored into its normal function. People with liver
problems can boil a bitter-leaf and drink a glass of it every day.
very vital organ inside the body is the kidney. Kidney helps in the
excretion of waste products inside the body. If the normal function of
the kidney breakdown there will great huge problem inside the body.
Bitter-leaf a natural herb that is useful in taking care of the kidney
and the liver.
Diabetic patient can also use bitter-leaf as one
of their medication to prevent high sugar level in the blood. It will
not only lower the sugar level in the blood but also repair impaired
pancreas. As you all know pancreas is the organ responsible for the
production of insulin for glucose to reach each cell to use by the body
as energy. Impaired pancreas does not release the right amount of
insulin to maintain the right sugar level in the blood. Bitter-leaf is a
real wonder of nature. You can take the benefit of this amazing plant
by squeezing its leaves in ten litters of water.
Bitter leaf offers many
health benefits including but not limited to blood sugar regulation,
helping with repair of the pancreas and may also help reduce the risk of
breast cancer amongst other things. Nigeria is blessed to have bitter
leaf growing any and everywhere. It is among the cheapest vegetables or
herbs you can buy. As such, there is absolutely no reason not to
incorporate it into your diet. Here is a quick run-down of thirteen
major health benefits of adding bitter leaf to your diet.
Read more: https://www.naij.com/634320-13-reasons-eating-bitter-leaf.html
Bitter leaf offers many
health benefits including but not limited to blood sugar regulation,
helping with repair of the pancreas and may also help reduce the risk of
breast cancer amongst other things. Nigeria is blessed to have bitter
leaf growing any and everywhere. It is among the cheapest vegetables or
herbs you can buy. As such, there is absolutely no reason not to
incorporate it into your diet. Here is a quick run-down of thirteen
major health benefits of adding bitter leaf to your diet.
Read more: https://www.naij.com/634320-13-reasons-eating-bitter-leaf.html
Bitter leaf offers many
health benefits including but not limited to blood sugar regulation,
helping with repair of the pancreas and may also help reduce the risk of
breast cancer amongst other things. Nigeria is blessed to have bitter
leaf growing any and everywhere. It is among the cheapest vegetables or
herbs you can buy. As such, there is absolutely no reason not to
incorporate it into your diet. Here is a quick run-down of thirteen
major health benefits of adding bitter leaf to your diet.
Read more: https://www.naij.com/634320-13-reasons-eating-bitter-leaf.html
Bitter leaf is a very common plant in west and
central Africa. It is known scientifically as Vernonia amygdalina. Many
people today do not know bitter leaf is more than a bitter leaf. It can give
health benefits that you will spend huge amounts to get from a hospital or a
pharmacy. In order to get the best medicinal and healing properties from bitter
leaf, you will need to get the juice out of it. You can juice it by rubbing a
few leaves in your palm and squeezing out the juice. If you have a blender then
you can chop it up and blend and strain the juice out with a sieve. Bitter leaf contains vitamins like vitamin A,
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B 12.
1 Bitter leaf brings
down your blood sugar levels
bitter leaf juice is known to bring down high levels of blood sugar.
2 bitter leaf cures body
itches and skin rashes such as eczema, ring worm or scabies
leaf contains antibacterial and anti-fungi properties. Apply the fresh juice on affected areas as
often as needed.
3 Bitter leaf has been
found to alleviate fever
you feel feverish take bitter leaf juice till the fever goes down. If you have
problems drinking the juice because of its bitter taste, try adding honey or
sugar unless you are diabetic.
4 Nursing and
breastfeeding mothers
bitter leaf juice helps in increasing breast milk production in nursing
mothers. Drink one glass of bitter leaf juice twice a day or as often as
5 bitter leaf detoxifies
and cleans your system
bitter leaf juice helps the body get rid of toxins.
6 contraction of uterus
leaf is able to contract the uterus and can be used to induce labour. Women who
live in villages like Mundame in Kumba, south west Region of Cameroon make a
woman drink bitter leaf juice at the onset of labour and after delivering to
contract the uterus
Precaution: If you are pregnant or
trying to get pregnant, taking excessive amounts of bitter leaf juice can cause
miscarriage. It is advisable to take any recommended antipyretic like
efferalgan to bring down your fever if you are pregnant.
knowing how important bitter leaf is, hope you will no longer have bitter
feelings toward bitter leaf. It helps if you add pineapple, orange, carrot
juice or any other sweetener of your choice to sweeten the bitter leaf juice.
- See more at: http://www.healthplero.com/2015/07/6-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about.html#sthash.NUsyFipn.dpuf
Bitter leaf is a very common plant in west and
central Africa. It is known scientifically as Vernonia amygdalina. Many
people today do not know bitter leaf is more than a bitter leaf. It can give
health benefits that you will spend huge amounts to get from a hospital or a
pharmacy. In order to get the best medicinal and healing properties from bitter
leaf, you will need to get the juice out of it. You can juice it by rubbing a
few leaves in your palm and squeezing out the juice. If you have a blender then
you can chop it up and blend and strain the juice out with a sieve. Bitter leaf contains vitamins like vitamin A,
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B 12.
1 Bitter leaf brings
down your blood sugar levels
bitter leaf juice is known to bring down high levels of blood sugar.
2 bitter leaf cures body
itches and skin rashes such as eczema, ring worm or scabies
leaf contains antibacterial and anti-fungi properties. Apply the fresh juice on affected areas as
often as needed.
3 Bitter leaf has been
found to alleviate fever
you feel feverish take bitter leaf juice till the fever goes down. If you have
problems drinking the juice because of its bitter taste, try adding honey or
sugar unless you are diabetic.
4 Nursing and
breastfeeding mothers
bitter leaf juice helps in increasing breast milk production in nursing
mothers. Drink one glass of bitter leaf juice twice a day or as often as
5 bitter leaf detoxifies
and cleans your system
bitter leaf juice helps the body get rid of toxins.
6 contraction of uterus
leaf is able to contract the uterus and can be used to induce labour. Women who
live in villages like Mundame in Kumba, south west Region of Cameroon make a
woman drink bitter leaf juice at the onset of labour and after delivering to
contract the uterus
Precaution: If you are pregnant or
trying to get pregnant, taking excessive amounts of bitter leaf juice can cause
miscarriage. It is advisable to take any recommended antipyretic like
efferalgan to bring down your fever if you are pregnant.
knowing how important bitter leaf is, hope you will no longer have bitter
feelings toward bitter leaf. It helps if you add pineapple, orange, carrot
juice or any other sweetener of your choice to sweeten the bitter leaf juice.
- See more at: http://www.healthplero.com/2015/07/6-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about.html#sthash.NUsyFipn.dpuf
in west and
central Africa. It is known scientifically as Vernonia amygdalina. Many
people today do not know bitter leaf is more than a bitter leaf. It can give
health benefits that you will spend huge amounts to get from a hospital or a
pharmacy. In order to get the best medicinal and healing properties from bitter
leaf, you will need to get the juice out of it. You can juice it by rubbing a
few leaves in your palm and squeezing out the juice. If you have a blender then
you can chop it up and blend and strain the juice out with a sieve. Bitter leaf contains vitamins like vitamin A,
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B 12.
1 Bitter leaf brings
down your blood sugar levels
bitter leaf juice is known to bring down high levels of blood sugar.
2 bitter leaf cures body
itches and skin rashes such as eczema, ring worm or scabies
leaf contains antibacterial and anti-fungi properties. Apply the fresh juice on affected areas as
often as needed.
3 Bitter leaf has been
found to alleviate fever
you feel feverish take bitter leaf juice till the fever goes down. If you have
problems drinking the juice because of its bitter taste, try adding honey or
sugar unless you are diabetic.
4 Nursing and
breastfeeding mothers
bitter leaf juice helps in increasing breast milk production in nursing
mothers. Drink one glass of bitter leaf juice twice a day or as often as
5 bitter leaf detoxifies
and cleans your system
bitter leaf juice helps the body get rid of toxins.
6 contraction of uterus
leaf is able to contract the uterus and can be used to induce labour. Women who
live in villages like Mundame in Kumba, south west Region of Cameroon make a
woman drink bitter leaf juice at the onset of labour and after delivering to
contract the uterus
Precaution: If you are pregnant or
trying to get pregnant, taking excessive amounts of bitter leaf juice can cause
miscarriage. It is advisable to take any recommended antipyretic like
efferalgan to bring down your fever if you are pregnant.
knowing how important bitter leaf is, hope you will no longer have bitter
feelings toward bitter leaf. It helps if you add pineapple, orange, carrot
juice or any other sweetener of your choice to sweeten the bitter leaf jui
- See more at: http://www.healthplero.com/2015/07/6-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about.html#sthash.NUsyFipn.dpuf
in west and
central Africa. It is known scientifically as Vernonia amygdalina. Many
people today do not know bitter leaf is more than a bitter leaf. It can give
health benefits that you will spend huge amounts to get from a hospital or a
pharmacy. In order to get the best medicinal and healing properties from bitter
leaf, you will need to get the juice out of it. You can juice it by rubbing a
few leaves in your palm and squeezing out the juice. If you have a blender then
you can chop it up and blend and strain the juice out with a sieve. Bitter leaf contains vitamins like vitamin A,
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B 12.
1 Bitter leaf brings
down your blood sugar levels
bitter leaf juice is known to bring down high levels of blood sugar.
2 bitter leaf cures body
itches and skin rashes such as eczema, ring worm or scabies
leaf contains antibacterial and anti-fungi properties. Apply the fresh juice on affected areas as
often as needed.
3 Bitter leaf has been
found to alleviate fever
you feel feverish take bitter leaf juice till the fever goes down. If you have
problems drinking the juice because of its bitter taste, try adding honey or
sugar unless you are diabetic.
4 Nursing and
breastfeeding mothers
bitter leaf juice helps in increasing breast milk production in nursing
mothers. Drink one glass of bitter leaf juice twice a day or as often as
5 bitter leaf detoxifies
and cleans your system
bitter leaf juice helps the body get rid of toxins.
6 contraction of uterus
leaf is able to contract the uterus and can be used to induce labour. Women who
live in villages like Mundame in Kumba, south west Region of Cameroon make a
woman drink bitter leaf juice at the onset of labour and after delivering to
contract the uterus
Precaution: If you are pregnant or
trying to get pregnant, taking excessive amounts of bitter leaf juice can cause
miscarriage. It is advisable to take any recommended antipyretic like
efferalgan to bring down your fever if you are pregnant.
knowing how important bitter leaf is, hope you will no longer have bitter
feelings toward bitter leaf. It helps if you add pineapple, orange, carrot
juice or any other sweetener of your choice to sweeten the bitter leaf jui
- See more at: http://www.healthplero.com/2015/07/6-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about.html#sthash.NUsyFipn.dpuf
in west and
central Africa. It is known scientifically as Vernonia amygdalina. Many
people today do not know bitter leaf is more than a bitter leaf. It can give
health benefits that you will spend huge amounts to get from a hospital or a
pharmacy. In order to get the best medicinal and healing properties from bitter
leaf, you will need to get the juice out of it. You can juice it by rubbing a
few leaves in your palm and squeezing out the juice. If you have a blender then
you can chop it up and blend and strain the juice out with a sieve. Bitter leaf contains vitamins like vitamin A,
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B 12.
1 Bitter leaf brings
down your blood sugar levels
bitter leaf juice is known to bring down high levels of blood sugar.
2 bitter leaf cures body
itches and skin rashes such as eczema, ring worm or scabies
leaf contains antibacterial and anti-fungi properties. Apply the fresh juice on affected areas as
often as needed.
3 Bitter leaf has been
found to alleviate fever
you feel feverish take bitter leaf juice till the fever goes down. If you have
problems drinking the juice because of its bitter taste, try adding honey or
sugar unless you are diabetic.
4 Nursing and
breastfeeding mothers
bitter leaf juice helps in increasing breast milk production in nursing
mothers. Drink one glass of bitter leaf juice twice a day or as often as
5 bitter leaf detoxifies
and cleans your system
bitter leaf juice helps the body get rid of toxins.
6 contraction of uterus
leaf is able to contract the uterus and can be used to induce labour. Women who
live in villages like Mundame in Kumba, south west Region of Cameroon make a
woman drink bitter leaf juice at the onset of labour and after delivering to
contract the uterus
Precaution: If you are pregnant or
trying to get pregnant, taking excessive amounts of bitter leaf juice can cause
miscarriage. It is advisable to take any recommended antipyretic like
efferalgan to bring down your fever if you are pregnant.
knowing how important bitter leaf is, hope you will no longer have bitter
feelings toward bitter leaf. It helps if you add pineapple, orange, carrot
juice or any other sweetener of your choice to sweeten the bitter leaf jui
- See more at: http://www.healthplero.com/2015/07/6-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about.html#sthash.NUsyFipn.dpuf
in west and
central Africa. It is known scientifically as Vernonia amygdalina. Many
people today do not know bitter leaf is more than a bitter leaf. It can give
health benefits that you will spend huge amounts to get from a hospital or a
pharmacy. In order to get the best medicinal and healing properties from bitter
leaf, you will need to get the juice out of it. You can juice it by rubbing a
few leaves in your palm and squeezing out the juice. If you have a blender then
you can chop it up and blend and strain the juice out with a sieve. Bitter leaf contains vitamins like vitamin A,
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B 12.
1 Bitter leaf brings
down your blood sugar levels
bitter leaf juice is known to bring down high levels of blood sugar.
2 bitter leaf cures body
itches and skin rashes such as eczema, ring worm or scabies
leaf contains antibacterial and anti-fungi properties. Apply the fresh juice on affected areas as
often as needed.
3 Bitter leaf has been
found to alleviate fever
you feel feverish take bitter leaf juice till the fever goes down. If you have
problems drinking the juice because of its bitter taste, try adding honey or
sugar unless you are diabetic.
4 Nursing and
breastfeeding mothers
bitter leaf juice helps in increasing breast milk production in nursing
mothers. Drink one glass of bitter leaf juice twice a day or as often as
5 bitter leaf detoxifies
and cleans your system
bitter leaf juice helps the body get rid of toxins.
6 contraction of uterus
leaf is able to contract the uterus and can be used to induce labour. Women who
live in villages like Mundame in Kumba, south west Region of Cameroon make a
woman drink bitter leaf juice at the onset of labour and after delivering to
contract the uterus
Precaution: If you are pregnant or
trying to get pregnant, taking excessive amounts of bitter leaf juice can cause
miscarriage. It is advisable to take any recommended antipyretic like
efferalgan to bring down your fever if you are pregnant.
knowing how important bitter leaf is, hope you will no longer have bitter
feelings toward bitter leaf. It helps if you add pineapple, orange, carrot
juice or any other sweetener of your choice to sweeten the bitter leaf jui
- See more at: http://www.healthplero.com/2015/07/6-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about.html#sthash.NUsyFipn.dpuf
in west and
central Africa. It is known scientifically as Vernonia amygdalina. Many
people today do not know bitter leaf is more than a bitter leaf. It can give
health benefits that you will spend huge amounts to get from a hospital or a
pharmacy. In order to get the best medicinal and healing properties from bitter
leaf, you will need to get the juice out of it. You can juice it by rubbing a
few leaves in your palm and squeezing out the juice. If you have a blender then
you can chop it up and blend and strain the juice out with a sieve. Bitter leaf contains vitamins like vitamin A,
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B 12.
1 Bitter leaf brings
down your blood sugar levels
bitter leaf juice is known to bring down high levels of blood sugar.
2 bitter leaf cures body
itches and skin rashes such as eczema, ring worm or scabies
leaf contains antibacterial and anti-fungi properties. Apply the fresh juice on affected areas as
often as needed.
3 Bitter leaf has been
found to alleviate fever
you feel feverish take bitter leaf juice till the fever goes down. If you have
problems drinking the juice because of its bitter taste, try adding honey or
sugar unless you are diabetic.
4 Nursing and
breastfeeding mothers
bitter leaf juice helps in increasing breast milk production in nursing
mothers. Drink one glass of bitter leaf juice twice a day or as often as
5 bitter leaf detoxifies
and cleans your system
bitter leaf juice helps the body get rid of toxins.
6 contraction of uterus
leaf is able to contract the uterus and can be used to induce labour. Women who
live in villages like Mundame in Kumba, south west Region of Cameroon make a
woman drink bitter leaf juice at the onset of labour and after delivering to
contract the uterus
Precaution: If you are pregnant or
trying to get pregnant, taking excessive amounts of bitter leaf juice can cause
miscarriage. It is advisable to take any recommended antipyretic like
efferalgan to bring down your fever if you are pregnant.
knowing how important bitter leaf is, hope you will no longer have bitter
feelings toward bitter leaf. It helps if you add pineapple, orange, carrot
juice or any other sweetener of your choice to sweeten the bitter leaf jui
- See more at: http://www.healthplero.com/2015/07/6-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about.html#sthash.NUsyFipn.dpuf
in west and
central Africa. It is known scientifically as Vernonia amygdalina. Many
people today do not know bitter leaf is more than a bitter leaf. It can give
health benefits that you will spend huge amounts to get from a hospital or a
pharmacy. In order to get the best medicinal and healing properties from bitter
leaf, you will need to get the juice out of it. You can juice it by rubbing a
few leaves in your palm and squeezing out the juice. If you have a blender then
you can chop it up and blend and strain the juice out with a sieve. Bitter leaf contains vitamins like vitamin A,
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B 12.
1 Bitter leaf brings
down your blood sugar levels
bitter leaf juice is known to bring down high levels of blood sugar.
2 bitter leaf cures body
itches and skin rashes such as eczema, ring worm or scabies
leaf contains antibacterial and anti-fungi properties. Apply the fresh juice on affected areas as
often as needed.
3 Bitter leaf has been
found to alleviate fever
you feel feverish take bitter leaf juice till the fever goes down. If you have
problems drinking the juice because of its bitter taste, try adding honey or
sugar unless you are diabetic.
4 Nursing and
breastfeeding mothers
bitter leaf juice helps in increasing breast milk production in nursing
mothers. Drink one glass of bitter leaf juice twice a day or as often as
5 bitter leaf detoxifies
and cleans your system
bitter leaf juice helps the body get rid of toxins.
6 contraction of uterus
leaf is able to contract the uterus and can be used to induce labour. Women who
live in villages like Mundame in Kumba, south west Region of Cameroon make a
woman drink bitter leaf juice at the onset of labour and after delivering to
contract the uterus
Precaution: If you are pregnant or
trying to get pregnant, taking excessive amounts of bitter leaf juice can cause
miscarriage. It is advisable to take any recommended antipyretic like
efferalgan to bring down your fever if you are pregnant.
knowing how important bitter leaf is, hope you will no longer have bitter
feelings toward bitter leaf. It helps if you add pineapple, orange, carrot
juice or any other sweetener of your choice to sweeten the bitter leaf jui
- See more at: http://www.healthplero.com/2015/07/6-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about.html#sthash.NUsyFipn.dpuf