Bitter kola as it
is popularly called is an English name and it belongs to the family of
Guttiferal. It is an agricultural product, and have medicinal
applications in both traditional and orthodox medicine. It is from the
species called Garcinia Kola and by product it is a fruit.
kola can be found in the Eastern and Southern parts of Nigeria. It can
easily be bought from our local markets, this makes it easy to source
at very cheaper rates. For example, it is found in most of our popular
market in Lagos – such as Mile 12 market, Ketu Market, Iddo Market and
so on. Our research findings indicated that it is often found at
cheaper rates by market women from the bush markets. – LUSADA MARKET.
However, the prospective exporters can still source the product from any
other places they can find it at cheaper rates. They could be fresh or
Bitter Kola is used extensively as industrial
raw materials for brewery purposes; it is also used in medicine as
stimulant. Both the fresh and dried bitter kola possess some healing
powers for various sickness such as cough. There is no doubt that these
various uses are responsible for its demand both locally and
internationally in both small and large quantities. Locally it is
mostly use to cure cough and clear throat.
bitter kola to be processed to meet export standard and to make it
adequately export market requirement. The major process is the drying
to reduce the moisture content to at least 1%. In order to meet the
buyers’ and international standard and requirement, it must be
adequately and properly dried in such a manner that the scales, colour
and the tastes are not adversely affected.
1 SUN DRYING:- Sun drying is a natural way of processing and it is more popular
here in Nigeria than machine drying. This mode of drying is mostly use
during the dry season while drying in the wet season, the product can
be dried right there at the spacious corner of your room. However, this
mode of drying is subject to the quantity and frame.
This mode of drying is much relevant to the small scale exporters, which is of course is the starting point for most of us.
DRYING BY MACHINE: - Is a cabinet machine with partitioned layers with
electric element and a blower to produce the warm air that dries a
large quantity of the product faster and safer. This cabinet machine
has a regulator and it is an electric generated machine. It is most used
by big scale exporter. The machine is costly and it is built on
This is not to say that large quantity of the product
cannot be naturally or sun dried, but it will take time and lot of
effort. However, the main purpose for drying the product is to reduce
the moisture content. It then means that, if parked before drying the
over all weight will be affected due to the humidity and other natural
factors during transit. In order to make sure that the product is in
good condition and to maintain the requested weight before getting to
the buyer, it must be adequately dried to a reasonable extent.
is no denying the fact that there is no any standard packaging method
for bitter kola or any other export product for that matter. This is for
the simple reason that it is prerogative of the prospective importers
to specify the packaging method approved for a specific or particular
product in their home country. Because of this, exporters must seek the
consent of the buyer before doing the packaging. However, the packaging
standard and requirement will be clearly stated in the contract order
which must be strictly adhered to. This method above is applicable to a
big time exporter, who enters the business in a big way. This depends
absolutely on cash at hand and requirement of the buyers.
Under this category the products always pass through the port and cargoes or shipped to the buyers overseas. For
the small scale exporter, they need not pass through the port to send
their products to the buyers abroad. Under this category the maximum
quantity allowed is 100 kilogram. This quantity is usually being sent
through postal system. The product must be carried to the post office
unsealed in bags, it is the post office that the product will be packed,
sealed and weighed to determine their charges.
As a matter of
facts, you will be told what to do there, you need not to take anything
to the post office except your products in the bags, and everything
needed to be brought to the post office premises. The product must be
registered immediately after the packaging and sealing, the package can
be registered express postage or ordinary registered postage. Now you
will be given a counterfoil for the registration, this counterfoil must
be kept in case anything happens to the product in transit. It is the
counterfoil that will be used to claim it from the post office.
Immediately the product is sent, you must let the buyer know and when it
is received the buyer will also alert you about the receipt.
there is no denying the fact that there is an approved international
price for all exportable commodities, bitter kola is no exception.
However, it is the responsibility of both exporter and the importers to
agree on a price that will serve their interest. Presently, the
generally acceptable price for Bitter Kola per bag is USD 17/kg the
local price of the equivalent is within the range of N500.00 to N800.00
depending on where it is purchased. In order to beat down the price
more, it is advisable to reach out to the local areas where it can be
bought at cheaper rates. In other words, the cheaper the product is
bought locally the better the profit at the export market.
other to do exporting business successfully, the maintenance of a good
quality control should be a prerequisite. This means that products must
be free of foreign matters or objects such as papers, nylon, stone,
dirt, and so on. These will not add unnecessarily to the weight but
will contaminate the product especially when it is used for food and
medical purposes.
On the other hand, if the issue of quality
control is not taken into cognizance, it can cause unwanted business
hardship in terms of total rejection of the product by the buyer. And
this can lead to loosing of the capital invested. Adequate care must be
taken during the purchasing of the product to select good ones which
have not broken or pealed off.
It is very
pertinent that before any prospective exporter starts to source for the
product, it is very important to first of all seek for a genuine or what
we called firm export or contractual order. It is this order that
specifies the name of the product, agreed price; packaging method, terms
of payment and delivery and other such terms as may be relevant.
However, it is the responsibility of the exporter to secure or get an
order through the contact address of possible buyers which have been
made provision for in this manual. Again, provision has been made for
product advert placement on the internet together with both local and
foreign bodies including websites where individual can source for the
contact of buyers. Prospective exporters can also contact various
organizations such as Nigeria Export Promotion Council, World Trade
Center – Western House 8th floor Lagos, for the addresses of possible
Kola export business does not require huge capital to start up. For
instance, as a beginner you only need small capital to start your
business as a small quantity exporter. You don’t have to tie so much
money down on the product. You can always buy the product and export it
when there is an order from your buyers at regular intervals as agreed
upon by both of you. THE
of a shop in Lagos and indeed every part of the country is not a
child’s play; it can cause one’s life savings. For bitter kola export
business you don’t need to hire an office space, it can always be
carried out at the corner of your room.
most business where you have to spend a huge amount of money for
advertising your product before you can make a sale. You always have
some free international websites on which your product can be advertised
to see and ordered for from all over the world.
business is one of the highest profitable and lucrative business which
bitter kola export is no exception. As a matter of fact, entrepreneurs
buy at cheaper prices from the bushes and local markets and export to
overseas countries and collect the proceeds in hard currency. At the
end of the day, the hard currency is changed to Naira denominations and
you make your huge profits. As a matter of fact, bitter kola business
is an easy way to become very rich.
Unlike most business, this bitter kola business is risk free. In other
words, the entrepreneurs do not incur any debt or loose the invested
capital. As a matter of fact, it is a clean and legal business
alongside your former job. On the other hand, it can also be engaged in
as full time business provided one wishes to.
kola is sourced locally in the villages and in our local markets, this
easy source makes the purchasing of the product simple throughout the
year. As a matter of fact, we have been able to find out some local
markets, where the product can be gotten cheaper.
kola business has ready made markets all over America and the Europe,
as well as buyers to the extend that their demands have never been met.
And everyday the markets and buyers always expand and the demands also
grow wide beyond sellers and supply. This is the kind of business that
can accommodate as many as prospective sellers. We have been able to
secure some overseas buyers addresses during our research findings. IT
When you are
engaged in this business, you set the hours of your work and the number
of days you want to work in a week or month. In short, the business
can be engaged in as a part time business alongside your former job. On
the other hand, it can also be engaged in as full time provided one
wishes to.
prospective sellers have no cause to worry about how their products
will be advertised to the buyers in the world over simply because in
our research findings we have found out some websites to advertise on
at a peanut if not for free. As soon as possible buyers will respond to
your advert, you begin to make big money.
The prospective sellers will be taught how to process and package the
product in a very simple, easy and natural way for exportation purposes
that suits and conforms with the international standard. So for this,
the prospective exporters have no cause to worry about processing and
packaging. The packaging method used in this business is very simple
and easy and can be learned by anybody. . EASY AND PROMPT COLLECTION OF PAYMENTS The
prospective exporters would be taught how to receive the payments and
proceeds up front before the shipment of the product here in Nigeria
without stress in hard currency denominations. In fact, you will be
shown the fastest and safest way to collect your money in US dollars.
how to get company that buyer Bitterkola in OVERSEA contact us
can start this business in your room to export bitter kola and other
natural herbs. Like for example in India. There are many natural herbs
companies there that are in need of differents herbs, and you can
search for the ones that you can get here in Nigeria and export it to
them there and get paid in hard currencies. Some of this
natural herbs company in abroad can buy bitter kola, Aloe Vera plant or
gel, hibiscus flower, ginger, garlic and others. This is a great
business you can do without leaving your current Job, you can place
your advert on the net and also contact the addresses of this natural
herbs companies. If you can get only one or two companies to supply any of this product you are rich. EXPORT ORDER As
I have ealier said, you can export Aloe Vera gel, some are in need of
the plant. You can export ginger & garlic. I am going to give you
where you can advertise on the net free or pay little. Then you
can also contact your buyers on how you will be paid and the kind of
export service. You can use post office if that will be safer and faster
to deliver the goods ,But there are many companies you can use, it is
also place in this manual to guild you & note ; you can start this
export with little. You can start with 50 kilo. INTRODUCTION Bitter
kola is an English name but belong to the family name Chisiacease or
Guttiferae. It is from the species called garcinia kola but by product
it is fruit.SOURCE; Bitter kola are found in the Eastern and Southern
part of Nigeria. For instance, it is found in most popular
market in Lagos. And research indicated that market women often get them
cheaper from the bush, market namely LUSADA MARKET and other areas. The prospective export can look for best place. USES; For clarity, we shall use the English name throughout this .e-manual. Bitter
kola as it is called by English is use extensively as introduce raw
materials in breweries but especially used in medicine as stimulant
.these, there is a popular demand both locally and internationally. For
instance, locally it is used to cure cough and clears throat. PROCESSING; Since
our major focus here is the export market, it is necessary to consider
the process involved in other to make it adequately export market
requirement. The major process is the drying to reduce the
moisture content to at least 1%. This means, it must be properly dried
in such a way that the Color and the tastes is not adversely affected.
There are two major methods of drying [1] sun-drying and [2] drying by
machine. Sun drying is more to the quantity and the time frame. The major purpose of drying as mention earlier is to reduce the moisture content. It
therefore follows that, if packed before drying, the over all weight
will be affected, humility and other natural factors during transit. In
other to make sure the product is in good condition before getting to
the buyer, it must be dried to a reasonable extent. It is important to note that there is no standard packaging method for bitter kola or any other export product for that matter. The
reason being, it is only the prospective importer that can specify the
packaging method approved for a particular product in their country
exporters, must seek the consent of their buyer before packaging. As a matter of fact, the packaging requirement will be cleanly stated in the contract order which must be strictly adhered to. PRICING: US $$$$$$$$$$$$ While
it may be acknowledged that there is an approved international price of
all exportable commodities, and the importer to agree on a price that
will serve their interesting. For now, the generally acceptable
price for bitter kola per kg is USD10-17/ PER KG, the local price of
the equivalent is within the range of N300.00 to 800.00 depending on the
point of purchase. As it follow that the cheaper it is locally the
profit at the export market. QUALITY CONTROL Maintaining a
good quality control is a pre-requisite for a successful exporting
business. This implies that product must be free of foreign matters such
as stone, dirt, paper nylon etc. these will not only add
unnecessary to the weight but will contaminate the product especially
while it used for medical and food purposes. EXPORT ORDER; Before
any prospective export starts to source for the product, it is
important to first seek for a genuine or what is called film export
order. This order specifies the seek the name of the product,
agree price, packaging method, terms of payment and delivery and other
such terms as many be relevant. To get an order however is the
responsibility of the exporter. In this e-manual two contact addresses
of possible buyers were included; and provision are made for product
advert placement on the internet and both local and foreign bodies
including web site where individual can source for the contact of
buyers. note: if you design your personal website, you will make more money in it. ROLES
OF INTERNET IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSAt this stage, I feel delighted to
mention that the of roles of Internet especially in international
business cannot be over emphasized. [1] It is the safest, faster and the cheapest means of communication. [2] It gives a better image and recognition to your business hence people take you more serious. [3] You can freely source for contact of interesting buyers of your product. [4] Product can also be advertised to the whole world at a peanut if not free. Considering
the above therefore, the prospective exporter must have a valid and
functional e-mail address and must know how to access it on the net,
sending and receiving mails etc. contact us
Are you intersted in studying aboroad or oversea throught scholarship , Admission into any unversity of your choice pl,ease contact us
Jim Ovia Scholarship was founded and funded by Mr. Jim Ovia since 1998,
to provide financial aid to outstanding Nigeria youths. The scholarship
was previoustly known as the MUSTE scholarship. The awardees are given
funding for undergraduate study for the duration of the undergraduate
program. The award includes tuition and maintenance allowance. The
scheme offers an average of 100 opportunities every year. The Financial
records show that as at October 2010, Mr. Ovia has invested 100 Million
Naira in the program on 1500 beneficiaries.
In establishing
the Jim Ovia Scholarship, Mr. Ovia hoped to create a network of future
leaders within Nigeria who can compete globally with their peers, bring
new ideas, creativity and are committed to improving the lives and
circumstances of people in their respective communities. Scholarships
are awarded on the basis of personal intellectual ability, leadership
capability and a desire to use their knowledge to contribute to society
throughout Nigeria by providing service to their community and applying
their talent and knowledge to improve the lives of others. Over time it
is expected that the Jim Ovia Scholarship beneficiaries will become
leaders in helping to address challenges related to health, technology,
and finance, all areas in which the foundation is deeply engaged.
To promote access to tertiary education
To invest in the future leaders of Nigeria
To provide a platform that encourages competitiveness and promotes equal opportunities in workplace
To bridge the knowledge gap among Nigerian Youth
Eligibility and Criteria
scholarship is open to all potential students of Nigerian citizenship.
One hundred (100) awardees are selected each year from a pool of
eligible applicants. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of personal
intellectual ability, leadership capability and a desire to contribute
to society at large to improve the lives of others.
- See more at:
Jim Ovia Scholarship was founded and funded by Mr. Jim Ovia since 1998,
to provide financial aid to outstanding Nigeria youths. The scholarship
was previoustly known as the MUSTE scholarship. The awardees are given
funding for undergraduate study for the duration of the undergraduate
program. The award includes tuition and maintenance allowance. The
scheme offers an average of 100 opportunities every year. The Financial
records show that as at October 2010, Mr. Ovia has invested 100 Million
Naira in the program on 1500 beneficiaries.
In establishing
the Jim Ovia Scholarship, Mr. Ovia hoped to create a network of future
leaders within Nigeria who can compete globally with their peers, bring
new ideas, creativity and are committed to improving the lives and
circumstances of people in their respective communities. Scholarships
are awarded on the basis of personal intellectual ability, leadership
capability and a desire to use their knowledge to contribute to society
throughout Nigeria by providing service to their community and applying
their talent and knowledge to improve the lives of others. Over time it
is expected that the Jim Ovia Scholarship beneficiaries will become
leaders in helping to address challenges related to health, technology,
and finance, all areas in which the foundation is deeply engaged.
To promote access to tertiary education
To invest in the future leaders of Nigeria
To provide a platform that encourages competitiveness and promotes equal opportunities in workplace
To bridge the knowledge gap among Nigerian Youth
Eligibility and Criteria
scholarship is open to all potential students of Nigerian citizenship.
One hundred (100) awardees are selected each year from a pool of
eligible applicants. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of personal
intellectual ability, leadership capability and a desire to contribute
to society at large to improve the lives of others.
- See more at:
Jim Ovia Scholarship was founded and funded by Mr. Jim Ovia since 1998,
to provide financial aid to outstanding Nigeria youths. The scholarship
was previoustly known as the MUSTE scholarship. The awardees are given
funding for undergraduate study for the duration of the undergraduate
program. The award includes tuition and maintenance allowance. The
scheme offers an average of 100 opportunities every year. The Financial
records show that as at October 2010, Mr. Ovia has invested 100 Million
Naira in the program on 1500 beneficiaries.
In establishing
the Jim Ovia Scholarship, Mr. Ovia hoped to create a network of future
leaders within Nigeria who can compete globally with their peers, bring
new ideas, creativity and are committed to improving the lives and
circumstances of people in their respective communities. Scholarships
are awarded on the basis of personal intellectual ability, leadership
capability and a desire to use their knowledge to contribute to society
throughout Nigeria by providing service to their community and applying
their talent and knowledge to improve the lives of others. Over time it
is expected that the Jim Ovia Scholarship beneficiaries will become
leaders in helping to address challenges related to health, technology,
and finance, all areas in which the foundation is deeply engaged.
To promote access to tertiary education
To invest in the future leaders of Nigeria
To provide a platform that encourages competitiveness and promotes equal opportunities in workplace
To bridge the knowledge gap among Nigerian Youth
Eligibility and Criteria
scholarship is open to all potential students of Nigerian citizenship.
One hundred (100) awardees are selected each year from a pool of
eligible applicants. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of personal
intellectual ability, leadership capability and a desire to contribute
to society at large to improve the lives of others.
- See more at:
Jim Ovia Scholarship was founded and funded by Mr. Jim Ovia since 1998,
to provide financial aid to outstanding Nigeria youths. The scholarship
was previoustly known as the MUSTE scholarship. The awardees are given
funding for undergraduate study for the duration of the undergraduate
program. The award includes tuition and maintenance allowance. The
scheme offers an average of 100 opportunities every year. The Financial
records show that as at October 2010, Mr. Ovia has invested 100 Million
Naira in the program on 1500 beneficiaries.
In establishing
the Jim Ovia Scholarship, Mr. Ovia hoped to create a network of future
leaders within Nigeria who can compete globally with their peers, bring
new ideas, creativity and are committed to improving the lives and
circumstances of people in their respective communities. Scholarships
are awarded on the basis of personal intellectual ability, leadership
capability and a desire to use their knowledge to contribute to society
throughout Nigeria by providing service to their community and applying
their talent and knowledge to improve the lives of others. Over time it
is expected that the Jim Ovia Scholarship beneficiaries will become
leaders in helping to address challenges related to health, technology,
and finance, all areas in which the foundation is deeply engaged.
To promote access to tertiary education
To invest in the future leaders of Nigeria
To provide a platform that encourages competitiveness and promotes equal opportunities in workplace
To bridge the knowledge gap among Nigerian Youth
Eligibility and Criteria
scholarship is open to all potential students of Nigerian citizenship.
One hundred (100) awardees are selected each year from a pool of
eligible applicants. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of personal
intellectual ability, leadership capability and a desire to contribute
to society at large to improve the lives of others.
- See more at:
founded and funded by Mr. Jim Ovia since 1998,
to provide financial aid to outstanding Nigeria youths. The scholarship
was previously known as the MUSTE scholarship. The awardees are given
funding for undergraduate study for the duration of the undergraduate
program. The award includes tuition and maintenance allowance. The
scheme offers an average of 100 opportunities every year. The Financial
records show that as at October 2010, Mr. Ovia has invested 100 Million
Naira in the program on 1500 beneficiaries.
Applications are invited for:
Jim Ovia Scholarship For Nigerian Student 2016
Location: Nigeria
To promote access to tertiary education
To invest in the future leaders of Nigeria
To provide a platform that encourages competitiveness and promotes equal opportunities in workplace
To bridge the knowledge gap among Nigerian Youth
Eligibility and Criteria
The scholarship is open to all potential students of Nigerian citizenship.
One hundred (100) awardees are selected each year from a pool of eligible applicants.
Scholarships are awarded on the basis of personal intellectual
ability, leadership capability and a desire to contribute to society at
large to improve the lives of others.
Jim Ovia Scholarship Application Guide
New and Renewing Applicants
Completed online application
Valid Government ID (e.g. International passport, Voter’s Card,
National ID or Driver’s License) Please note that a certificate of
origin or birth certificate will not be accepted as a valid form of ID.
The only exception will be for minors below the age of 18 years who are
unable to apply for a government ID. In which case, a birth
certificate will be accepted in lieu of a government ID for such
An official original letter (not photocopied) letter from your school/Head of Department stating the following:
Your full-name
Course Title
Department of Study
Matriculation number
Newly matriculated who have not yet received a matriculation number or
school ID must provide a provisional admission letter to their
institution of study.
Original Secondary School Certificate (WAEC or NECO)
Original JAMB certificate
A valid student ID for your host institution (University/College)
A passport photograph
Application Closing Date
Not Specified. CONTACT US
However, Bitter Kola is considered as an effective agricultural
produce in the treatment of cough, diarrhea, tuberculosis and other
bacterial infections. “When food is suspected to be contaminated by
bacteria, chew bitter kola immediately after eating, it will prevent the
development of any infection or poisoning.
Bitter Kola was eaten mostly by the elderly people because
of their belief that it could prolong life.” Actually, researches in
modern science have revealed that bitter kola contains chemical
compounds that will help the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and has
other medicinal uses which account for its longevity property in man.
“Bitter kola is anti-poison too, it has the ability to repel evil men
and spirits, it could sound superstitious but it works.
The naturalist even said that the seed and the bark of
bitter kola should be eaten together in cases where food poisoning is
suspected, “it helps to detoxify the system”. Indeed, it really works!
Uses of Garcinia Kola
It improves the function of the lung
Garcinia kola has been used for centuries to treat chest
colds in traditional medicine, but research has taken a look and found
out why it is effective. A study in the 2008 issue of The Internet
Journal of Pulmonary Medicine, performed on mice, reports that Garcinia
kola improved respiratory function after 28 days of use of a Garcinia
extract. Written by David A. Ofusori, MSc, from Igbinedion University in
Nigeria, the study shows that Garcinia kola works by dilating the
alveolar ducts and sacs in the lungs by improving the strength of the
fibers in the lung tissue. Garcinia kola’s beneficial lung properties
are attributed to its high antioxidant content.
It Reduces Eye Pressure
An increase in eye pressure can lead to glaucoma, according
to a report from The New York Times Health Guide. Researchers at Lagos
University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria tested the effectiveness of eye
drops that contained 0.5 percent extract of Garcinia kola. The results
of their study, published in the January 2010 issue of Middle East
African Journal of Opthamology, showed that the opthamolic solution that
contained the Garcinia significantly reduced eye pressure when used
twice a day.
It Relieves Arthritis
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis,
characterized by pain, inflammation and limited movement in the joints,
according to the National Institutes of Health. Causes of osteoarthritis
can include joint injury, obesity and ageing. Since many arthritis
sufferers prefer natural herbal medicines to other pain relievers and
medications, researchers at Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria tested
the effects of Garcinia kola against arthritis symptoms. The results of
the study, written by Olayinka O. Adegbehingbe and published in the
July 2008 issue of the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research,
conclude that Garcinia kola significantly reduced inflammation and pain
and increased joint movement in subjects that had osteoarthritis
symptoms. It is believed that Garcinia kola works well as a result of
its antioxidant properties.
The side effects reported from the Garcinia kola use in this
study were “weight loss”, “increase in sex drive” and “extended sleep”
which many considered helpful to meet their individual and marital
demands. If you take Garcinia kola and experience diarrhea, hives,
irregular heartbeat or other signs of allergic reaction, discontinue use
immediately and seek medical attention.
Medicinal Significance
Garcinia kola is used in many tropical countries to fight
infectious diseases such as Aids and the Ebola virus. It has shown to
posses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
Cold Remedy
Garcinia kola is often used to treat the symptoms of colds. It is suggested, in particular, for coughs and sneezing.
Knee Osteoarthritis
Garcinia kola has been successfully used to treat patients
suffering from knee osteoarthritis, according to a study published in
the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. It reduced pain and swelling and
improved movement.
Garcinia kola is known for its anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant properties. It is used to prevent infections and viruses,
especially of the immune system.
Hop Substitute
Garcinia kola is used as a substitute for hops in brewing
lager beer. It is especially useful in preventing beer spoilage.
Weight Loss
Bitter Kola has been known to be a natural hunger suppressant and also increases the urge to drink more water.
Another importance of bitter kola is that its repels snakes.
It can be used to chase snakes away. For snake prevention, spread it
around the building.
Bitter Kola health benefit for malaria
Considerable experimental studies found the chemical
constituents in bitter kola have anti-malaria properties. That aside,
traditional healers have for many years prescribed bitter kola for the
treatment of malaria infections.
Researchers who reported that bitter kola had anti-malaria
effect in the 2010 issue of Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, from a
survey of plants used by traditional healers in the Democratic Republic
of Congo, attributed this to its quinones content.
The importance of bitter kola cannot be over floored, it
therefore behoves on everyone to utilize effectively all the benefits
Bitter kola is about 3-5 cm in length. It has an ellipsoid shape. A
brown to deep brown peel covers it. This peel is removed before it is
eaten. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth when it is eaten. It is
this bitterness that its name is derived.
Bitter Kola (Garcinia Kola)
The scientific name for bitter kola is Garcinia kola. It is called Orogbo in Yoruba. The Hausas call it Miji-goro, while it is called Akiilu by the Igbos. READ ALSO:
This write-up highlights 5 health values of bitter kola and why
eating it should be encouraged as stated in a post by Kevin Onuma on
The amazing health benefits of bitter kola (Garcinia Kola) in 1. Bitter Kola Improves Lung Functions
Bitter kola (Garcinia kola) has been used for centuries to treat
chest colds in traditional medicine, but research has taken a look and
found out why it is effective. A study in the 2009 issue of The Internet
Journal of Pulmonary Medicine, performed on mice, reports that Garcinia
kola improved respiratory function after 28 days of use of a Garcinia
Written by Simon Adekunle of the Ekiti State University in Nigeria,
the study shows that Garcinia kola works by dilating the alveolar ducts
and sacs in the lungs by improving the strength of the fibers in the
lung tissue. Bitter kola’s beneficial lung properties are attributed to
its high antioxidant content. 2. Bitter Kola Health Benefit for Malaria
Considerable experimental studies found the chemical constituents in
bitter kola have anti-malaria properties. That aside, traditional
healers have for many years prescribed bitter kola for the treatment of
malaria infections. Researchers who reported that bitter kola had
anti-malaria effect in the 2010 issue of Journal of Medicinal Plants
Research, from a survey of plants used by traditional healers in the
Democratic Republic of Congo, attributed this to its quinones content.
Further more, kolaviron, the powerful chemical compound found in
bitter kola, was reportedly tested on a malaria parasite and found to
inhibit malarial activity. 3. Bitter Kola Benefit for Male Fertility (Impotence)
Garcinia kola, also called bitter kola is sometimes believed to cure
impotence. Frequent taking of bitter kola boosts man performance in bed
with a woman. 4. Bitter Kola Health Benefit for Glaucoma (Eye Pressure)
An increase in eye pressure can lead to glaucoma, according to a
report from The New York Times Health Guide. Researchers at Lagos
University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria tested the effectiveness of eye
drops that contained 0.5 percent extract of Garcinia kola. The results
of their study, published in the January 2010 issue of Middle East
African Journal of Opthamology, showed that the opthamolic solution that
contained the Garcinia significantly reduced eye pressure when used
twice a day. 5. Bitter Kola Health Benefit for HIV
Bitter kola is a potent antibiotic which could be efficacious in the
treatment of HIV and AIDS. A researcher with the Nigeria Natural
Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA), Mrs. Chinyere Nwokeke told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that bitter kola could be used in treating opportunistic infections associated with HIV. “Bitter
kola is highly recommended in the treatment of HIV and AIDS because of
its antibacterial, detoxification, and cleansing properties”, she said.
Mrs Chinyere Nwokeke also said that the chemical saponin in bitter
kola is responsible for its cleansing effect. Saponin is mainly used as
tonic for the liver, it enhances the functions of the liver and gall
bladder. READ ALSO:
We should recall that Nigeria’s world renowned Professor, Maurice Iwu
during the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) said bitter kola could be used to
prevent EVD. The federal government of Nigeria through the ministry of
health and its agencies could invest funds into scientific researches to
find out more health importance of bitter kola.
Offered annually? Yes Session Sept 2016 – June 2017 Brief description: The
government of People’s Republic of China in conjunction with the UNESCO
is offering 25 undergraduate and postgraduate fellowship for developing countries 2017 Eligible Field of Study
applicant can choose one academic program and three institutions as
their preferences from the Chinese HEIs designated by MOE. Fellowships
are for advanced studies at Undergraduate and postgraduate levels. About Scholarship
Government of the People’s Republic of China has placed at the disposal
of UNESCO for the academic year 2016-2017, under the co-sponsorship of
UNESCO, seventy-five (75) fellowships for advanced
studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. These fellowships are
for the benefit of developing Member States in Africa, Asia–Pacific,
Latin America, Europe and North America and Arab region.
fellowships, tenable at a selected number of Chinese universities, are
for a duration of one year. These fellowships, are in most cases to be
conducted in English. In exceptional cases, candidates may be required
to study Chinese language before taking up research/study in their
fields of interest. Scholarship Offered Since: Not specified Scholarship Type: Undergraduate and Postgraduate fellowship Selection Criteria and Eligibility
Arab States: 2 Member States: Yemen, Palestine To be taken at (country): People’s Republic of China Application Deadline: application opens 04 April 2016 to close 20 May 2016 Offered annually? Yes How to Apply
applications should be endorsed by the relevant Government body (the
National Commission or Permanent Delegation) and must be made in English
with the following attachments:
(i.) Application form for UNESCO/China (The Great Wall) Fellowship in triplicate; (ii.) 3 photographs;
(iii.) Notarized photocopies of diplomas and certificates, and
school-certified transcripts of complete academic records (translated in
English when applicable), in triplicate; (iv.) Copy of the
university’s invitation letter, for those students who have been
admitted in advance by a Chinese university, in triplicate; (v.) Two
letters of recommendation (in English) by professors or associate
professors familiar with the work of the candidate, in triplicate;
(vi.) A study or research proposal containing no less than 400 words (in
English) of the post-graduate study to be undertaken during the
candidate’s stay in China, in triplicate; (vii.) Foreigner Physical
Examination form to be completed and communicated to UNESCO by 15 March
2013 (copy attached), in triplicate; and (viii.) English language proficiency certificate, in triplicate. Visit Scholarship Webpage for details Sponsors: China Scholarship Council (CSC) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Hold at least the equivalent of the Master’s Degree/above or the Bachelor’s Degree;
English proficiency is required;
Be not more than 45 years of age; and
Be in good health, both physically and mentally.
Number of Scholarships: 75 fellowships are offered Value of Scholarship: The
Program provides a full scholarship which covers tuition waiver,
accommodation, stipend, and comprehensive medical insurance. Duration of Scholarship: For one year duration Eligible Countries Africa:46
Member States: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi,
Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo,
Cote D’ivoire, Democratic Republic Of The Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial
Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,
Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius,
Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome And Principe,
Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland,
Togo, Uganda, United Republic Of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe Asia And The Pacific:
28 Member States: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Cook Islands,
Democratic People’ S Republic Of Korea, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran
(Islamic Republic Of), Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s
Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Nepal,
Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic Of Korea, Samoa, Sri
Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam
75 UNESCO/China Scholarship for Developing Countries Students (Under/Postgraduate) 2017
Older individuals who consume olive oil daily may be able to protect
themselves from a stroke, according to a new study from France published
in the online issue of Neurology.
Researchers gathered
information from the medical records of 7,625 individuals over the age
of 65 from three cities in France: Bordeaux, Dijon and Montpellier. None
of the participants had a history of stroke. They then categorized the
individuals into three groups based on their olive oil consumption. The
researchers noted that the participants used mostly extra virgin olive
oil, as that is what is usually available in France.
After 5 years
there were 148 strokes. The results showed that the “intensive” users
of olive oil, those that used for both cooking and dressings had a 41
percent lower risk of stroke compared to those that did not use olive
oil at all. These results were noted even after considering weight,
diet, physical activity and other risk factors.
Olive Oil Found to Help Prevent Skin Cancer
recent study found that olive oil, along with other components of a
Mediterranean diet, may contribute to the prevention of malignant
melanoma. The most dangerous type of skin cancer may be slowed down by
consumption of olive oil, which is rich in antioxidants, the researchers
The use of sunscreen remains the best way to prevent
sunburn and shield the skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s UVA
and UVB rays. However, “Going Greek” and consuming olive oil and other
Mediterranean food staples, could help counter the oxidizing effect of
the sun.
Only three in every 100,000 residents of countries in the
Mediterranean develop any form of skin cancer. The figure is low,
especially when considering the warm climate in the region. In
Australia, the figure is 50 in every 100,000 residents.
The Mediterranean Diet and Metabolic Syndrome
health benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been cited in numerous
studies, and now with a new large study confirming that it protects from
metabolic syndrome we have yet another reason to adopt this style of
metabolic syndrome is a combination of abdominal obesity, high blood
pressure, abnormal cholesterol, and high blood sugar. “Metabolic
syndrome is connected to the obesity epidemic of our time, a big belly
poisons our metabolism and a poisoned metabolism can result in type 2
diabetes, heart attacks, stroke, or sudden death,” a leading researcher
The new study found that a Mediterranean-style diet --
which includes olive oil, daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole
grain cereals, and low-fat dairy products, weekly consumption of fish,
poultry, legumes, and a relatively low consumption of red meat -- can
reduce the risk of metabolic
Explaining Why Virgin Olive Oil Protects Against Breast Cancer
cancer is the most common type of cancer in Western countries. While a
diet rich in fats is directly related to a higher incidence of cancer,
some types of fats can actually play a protective role against
the development of these tumors. Such is the case of virgin olive oil
which is rich in oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fatty acid, and contains
several bioactive compounds such as antioxidants.
A moderate and
regular intake of virgin olive oil, characteristic of the Mediterranean
diet, is associated with a low incidences of specific types of cancer,
including breast cancer, as well as with having a protective role
against coronary diseases and other health problems.
Olive Oil Can Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease
studies, including one recently published in the journal Chemical
Neuroscience, showed that the oleocanthal in extra virgin olive oil has
the potential to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and the
cognitive decline that comes with aging.
Olive oil polyphenols are
known to be powerful antioxidants which may help to reverse oxidative
damage that occurs in the aging process.
Five health benefits of eating more olives and olive oil
you know olive oil can be one of the most fraudulently labelled products
in the world? Find out how to know when you’re getting the real thing,
and why you should care.
During my honeymoon to Greece I had the chance to visit the
oldest-known olive oil tree in the world. Most olive trees can live more
than 500 years, but this one is an astounding 3,000 years old! Given
that Greeks consume 25 kilograms of olive oil per year — compared to five kilograms in North America —
it got me thinking about the importance of these trees to their daily
life. Greece’s increased consumption of this healthy fat shows why the Mediterranean diet has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and lowered cancer risk for those who follow it.
Lets take a closer look at five more benefits of adding olives and olive oil to your diet: 1. They protect against colon, breast and skin cancer
Olives and olive oil contain an abundance of phenolic antioxidants as well as the anti-cancer compounds
squalene and terpenoid. They also contain high levels of the
monounsaturated fatty acid and oleic acid which reduce chronic,
excessive inflammation. These two compounds also work to neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals on the body’s cells. 2. Olive oil is good for your heart
Olive oil contains biophenols, which suppress the synthesis of LDL (or
“bad cholesterol) which has been shown to play a role in the development
of cardiovascular disease. High levels of LDL in the blood amplify
oxidative stress which hardens the arterial walls (called atherosclerosis). The biophenols in olives reduce blood pressure, therefore reducing the development of arterial plaque as well. 3. They work to reduce pain
Olives contain a compound called oleocanthal that has strong anti-inflammatory properties, mimicking the action of ibuprofen. Olive oil naturally reduces the pain of chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and can be added to a daily diet to aid in pain reduction. 4. Olives and olive oil protect against ulcers
The antimicrobial properties in olives and olive oil help to combat
the bacteria responsible for causing stomach ulcers. Studies have shown
their high levels of polyphenols protect against eight strains of
ulcer-causing bacteria, three of which are resistant to some
antibiotics. 5. Eating olives will help to boost your iron intake
Olives contain a substantial amount of iron,
a key factor in the formation of hemoglobin, the protein that carries
oxygen throughout the body via the bloodstream. Iron also helps to build
the enzymes responsible for regulating immune function and cognitive
In order to properly reap these health benefits, you need to make
sure the olive oil you’re buying is real. Often times olive oil can be
mixed with lower grade oils like soy or canola oil and sold for the same
price. To ensure the oil you buy is the highest quality, and most
healthful, follow these tips: 1. Buy certified organic oil If possible, try to find one that has paperwork to track the oil production from field to table.
2. Get to know what live oil really tastes like Light olive oil is not olive oil. Real extra virgin has a
peppery and fruity taste. If you can’t taste the olives you may have
deodorized, cheap oil that could be soy or canola with some green colour
added. The real deal is more expensive but worth the health benefits. 3. Buy oil packed in dark glass The real stuff degrades in heat and light, so avoid the clear
plastic bottles that could be leaching plastic into your next meal!
Click here for an olive oil buyer’s guide.
Once you’ve got your quality olive oil, and a selection of your
favourite olives, make this zippy lentil tapenade recipe to benefit from
their great health-boosters: contact us
The Police Service Commission (PSC), in pursuance of its Constitutional
Mandate, invites applications from suitably qualified Nigerians for
appointment into the Nigeria Police Force in the capacity below:
Job Title: Cadet Assistant Superintendent
Location: Nigeria
General Requirements
Applicants must have passion for a career in the Nigeria Police Force and must satisfy the following general requirements:
Be a Nigerian citizen
Be certified mentally and physically fit by a Nigeria Police Medical Doctor or a Government Medical Practitioner.
Must not have any previous criminal record(s).
Must not be less than 1.67 metres in height for men, and 1.63 metres for women.
Must not have less than 86 cm (34 inches) expanded chest measurement (for men).
Must present verifiable references from any two (2) of the following:
Traditional Rulers, Magistrate, Local Government Chairman, Heads
of Educational Institutions attended, Career Civil Servant not below
the rank of Grade Level 12, Police Officer not below the rank of CSR or
Military Officer not below the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Possession
of a valid National Drivers’ License Is an added advantage.
Academic and Age Requirements for both Specialist & General Duty
Be between 23 and 28 years of age.
Have a Bachelors Degree or High National Diploma (HND)
Have and NYSC certificate.
To apply for a Specialist position, candidates must possess
relevant certificates and/or credentials in the required technical
This Certificate must be equivalent to the minimum entry
qualification(s) of the position applied for. During application, ensure
that you click on the Specialists' Option Button and then Select the
appropriate field you qualify for from the list of possible positions.
Application Closing Date
Friday, 13th May, 2016.