Lemon nutrition facts
Lemon has
multiple medicinal, health and culinary advantages. Lemons are very rich in Vitamin C, contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. Lemon water and Lemon juice are known for many health and medicinal benefits like controlling acidity, obesity, BP, fever, constipation, heartburn, etc. Here, are the Top 15 Benefits of Lemon, Lemon Water and Lemon Juice.

Lemon benefits for acidity
Lemon water is effective for smooth functioning of stomach and digestion process. Lemon contains citric acid up to 8% in its juice which aids in digestion. When lemon is taken mixed with hot water, it gives relief from indigestion, gas, cramping, heartburn, bloating, belching and relieve toxins from the body. Having these problems, take one teaspoon of lemon juice in a half glass of water. This solution helps to stimulate gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis movement. Lemon juice is extremely useful for proper formation of bile in liver thereby helps in digestion. It cures phlegm and eases from excessive wind from the stomach. It prevents acidity and vomiting too. Though lemon is acidic in nature, but inside the body, it is good alkaline in characteristics. It leaves alkaline residues in the body and eases from symptoms of acidosis. Lemon Tea is also good to overcome acidity.
Lemon for fair skin and beauty
Lemon benefits for
skin care and good skin are great. Lemon is the important natural antiseptic and excellent for glowing skin and beauty care. The enriched content of vitamin C is helpful to rejuvenate skin and lighten your face and make the skin glow from inside. Regular taking of lemon is good for your skin to cure wrinkles, blackheads, pimples, blemishes and for skin toning. Apply lemon over wrinkles, pimples for better result. It is also used as anti-aging remedy because of its anti-oxidant properties. The citric acid is helpful for healthy glowing skin while as the alkaline components of lemons treats acne. Lemon water and lemon juice cleanse the toxins from blood and good for skin care and beauty treatment. The patients of aczema should take lukewarm lemon water with honey. The mix of lemon and honey is a natural bleacher for your skin. The cooling nature of lemon juice helps to reduce skin burning sensation. Dried the lemon skin under the sun, grind it and applied the powder on the hair for shining look. These are some of the lemon skin care tips.
Lemon juice prevents cold
Lemon juice gives relief for reducing fever and controlling cold and flu. In case of fever patients, lemon decreases the body temperature by increasing perspiration. To subsidise fever, lemon is very helpful; it is suggested to drink lukewarm lemon water (1 tsp of lemon in a glass of water) after every two hours. When lemon is mixed with warm water along with honey is a useful home remedy in curing cough and cold.
Lemon for dental care
Lemon is one of the important ayurvedic foods used for the treatment of dental and gum diseases. If a person is feeling toothache, he should apply fresh lemon juice in the affected areas in getting relief from pain. Having bleeding problems of gums, apply lemon juice to gum to get relief. It is also helpful to give relief from bad smell of mouth and scurvy. If you want fresh breathe after smoking, alcohol and spices, take lemon juice for better result.
Lemon cures constipation
If somebody has constipation or chronic constipation, it is better to use lemon water. One can take lemon water at night. Or you can also take warm lemon water in the morning to cleanse your bowel. Lemon juice for constipation is more effective if it is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Regular drinking of lemon juice helps to release waste and toxin from the digestive system and
control constipation and diarrhoea.
Lemon for weight loss
If you want to lose your weight naturally, it is better to switch over lemon because lemon water and lemon juice are effective home remedies for Weight Loss and also helpful in controlling obesity. If you drink lemon water regularly, especially in the morning; it speeded up the weight loss process. Lemon is having adequate pectin, a great source of fiber and helps to overcome overweight. Lukewarm lemon water with honey is also good for obesity and weight loss.
Lemon water removes fatigue
Lemon Juice is a boon for tiredness and during fatigue. If you want to refresh yourself after hectic and busy schedule of the day, it is a wise step to have a lemon juice along with small quantity of sugar. Lemon is also taken as refreshment.
Lemon water for sore throat
For sore throat problem, one should gargle with lemon water. To make lemon water for gargling, it is suggested to take half lemon in one-half glass of water. However, regular gargling should be avoided as it may ruin the enamel part.
Lemon for asthma treatment
Asthma patients should take one glass of lemon juice or water before each meal. It provides quick relief to asthmatic patient. Lemon contains flavonoids which protect lungs against diseases. Lemon juice is also beneficial for respiratory and breathing problems.
Lemon controls high blood pressure
Lemon has adequate percentage of potassium that is good for heart related problems. The mineral potassium stimulates the brain and nerve functions and helps to control blood pressure and heart rate. For natural and herbal remedy of blood pressure, lemon water and juices are wonder foods. Lemon is also for relaxation of body and mind. Lemon contains pectin, rich in fiber that helps to reduce cholesterol level. The phyto-chemical anti-oxidants and dietary fiber are very helpful in controlling coronary heart disease.
Lemon water for arthritis cure
Lemon water helps to cure arthritis and rheumatism. If you are experiencing pain due to arthritic problems, take lemon warm water twice a day, before meal and at bed time for positive result. Having plenty of Vitamin C, it helps to absorb calcium and fight against osteoporosis.
Lemon boosts immune system
Lemon is having plenty of vitamin C and extremely helpful in fighting cold and coughs. Lemon contains numerous phytochemicals such as Hesperetin and Naringenin. These are anti-oxidants and helps to improve the immune system mechanism of the body. Lemon juices also fight cancer by strengthening the immune system. Lemon acts like as anti-bacterial, anti-viral. The ingredients of lemon like citric acid, magnesium, calcium, limonen, pectin, Vitamin C, bioflavanoids and phyto-chemicals are helpful in promoting immune system.
Lemon as blood purifier
Lemons are natural and herbal blood purifier. Being an ayurvedic blood purifier, lemon treats many diseases such as malaria and cholera. It helps to release toxins from the body. Since it is an active blood purifier food thereby helps in treating skin rashes, pimples, wrinkles, acne and blemishes. Lemon juice is excellent cleansing agent, helps in releasing radiation after chemotherapy from the body. Lemon has been using as a home remedy for blood purification since the ancient time.
Lemon as natural diuretic
Every day, a large amount of waste products and toxin produce in the body. They interfere with the normal activities of cells and tissues of the body. They are also responsible for various diseases. Lemon is extremely useful to flush out these unwanted material from the body by increasing urination. It makes the entire excretory system well balance by releasing toxins from the body.
Medicinal benefits of lemon water
There are amazing medicinal and health benefits of lemon water. Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic and prevents from many diseases caused by bacteria such as malaria, cholera, diphtheria and typhoid. It helps in making tissues and cells healthy and prevents tissues from decomposition. Lemon water assists in cleansing body organs from toxins. It dissolves uric acid that causes pain in joints.